Schools Out For The Summer!

Ya, well kinda stated it above, so , anyway, anyone here on summer break, listenin to sum good ole Evergrey, and such?

So happy to be out of school for a summer at least.

BTW, i should have played that song at school...schools out for the summa....yea :cool:.

And now I'm going off to another subject, so there is a reason to post here. Anyone know if Z-Tv is only in Sweden?
I wan't that channel so bad, I mean come on... there's Evergrey on it... also, other great Swedish bands.
Another thing, is Sweden a cool place to live in?
I have my last exam Monday and that will be my last day of school this year!
So I can sing that song as loud as I can Mondag :D
I had my last exam on Sunday (yeah, we have school here on Sundays). Well, that was my last exam EVER!!! Woohoo! Freedom! I still haven't really gotten the fact that its all'll take some time....