Gays suffering in California schools, thanks to George W


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
There is a bill requiring students to learn about the contributions homosexuals have made to society and that could remove gender-specific terms including "mom" and "dad" from textbooks.

Referring to Mom and Dad banned in school. Hah.

...which would mandate grades 1-12 buy books "accurately'' portraying "the sexual diversity of our society.''

Schools around here have broken books that still refer to Canada as the King's Dominion and talk about fuckin Belgian Congo. But CA gets books changed every week whenever the cocksuckers give themselves a new name. Which now is "GLBTQQ American." Remember it.

It also requires students hear history lessons on "the contributions of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to the economic, political, and social development of California and the United States of America.''

Yes. AIDS would've gotten nowhere without em.

It also precludes textbooks, teaching materials, instruction, and "school-sponsored activities" from reflecting adversely upon persons based on their sexual orientation, or actual or perceived gender.

Uh oh, no more gay-bashing rocketry workshops in Mrs. Peterson's homeroom?

"School-sponsored activities include everything from cheerleading and sports activities to the prom. Under SB 1437 school districts would likely be prohibited from having a 'prom king and queen' because that would show bias based on gender and sexual orientation."

What then? A prom fairy?

"Under SB 1437 school districts would also likely have to do away with dress codes and would have to accommodate transsexuals on girl-specific or boy-specific sports teams."

Yes, hand out skirts to everyone. The straights can pretend to be Scotsmen. Very accommodating.

Sponsored by Democratic Sen. Sheila Kuehl – a lesbian actress best known for playing Zelda in "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis" in the '60s.

Hah ha! Should've known that gravelly voiced bitch would turn out to be a rug muncher.

The legislation would add "gender" (actual or perceived) and "sexual orientation" to the law that prohibits California public schools from having textbooks, teaching materials, instruction or "school-sponsored activities" that reflect adversely upon people based on characteristics like race, creed and handicap.

Kuehl says, "Teaching materials mostly contain negative or adverse views of us, and that's when they mention us at all."

...And its all George aW's fault!!!

"In textbooks, it's as if there's no gay people in California at all, so forget about it,'' she added.

That's a nice dream. Ah, what can I say? Pure bolshevism from the lesbo left. Its all hella lame.

and just how young will this indoctrination begin?

are they thinking of teaching 1st graders that Bert and Ernie actually are gay??
Well both of them had a fist up their arse.

Sgt D, over here, sodomy is rife amongst the little Lord Fauntleroys in private school (confusingly caused Public Schools, as opposed to State Schools). In fact, were someone to tell me they had attended such an establishment, I would immediately assume they knew the full implications of bending down to pick up the soap, in much the same way I would assume anyone with long hair who has spent a few nights in LA County jail (or any nasty US prison, come to that) would also have an anus resembling a blood-orange.

Which doesn't make it right! All kids need to know about faggots is they are wrong, and should be beaten at every possible opportunity. Many happy days I spent at school tormenting a couple of fruity little fuckers, and it never did me any harm!
this is bullshit. These fucking people are trying to take the whole prom king and queen thing away because a few homos don't like it? Jesus Christ. If you wanna be gay, fine, there is nothing wrong with it. But don't be like the fucking Jehovah's and push your ideals down everyone's throat. God, this country is going to hell in a handbasket. I'm going to call my ex-husband (sorry, my former life-partner) and see if he still wants to move to Holland.
Karina_666 said:
If you wanna be gay, fine, there is nothing wrong with it. But don't be like the fucking Jehovah's and push your ideals down everyone's throat.

This is PC-bullshit for PC:s sake. We had a similar bullshit fight about the right to wear a burqah in public schools in Sweden. Some girls wanted to wear it, while other kids don´t get to wear a baseball caps, sunglasses or beanies in class. That´s very un-PC to me, let some students wear what they want (based on old stories of a bitter god suffering from AGS) but other will be reported if wearing a top hat (gay goths).
Arg_Hamster said:
This is PC-bullshit for PC:s sake. We had a similar bullshit fight about the right to wear a burqah in public schools in Sweden. Some girls wanted to wear it, while other kids don´t get to wear a baseball caps, sunglasses or beanies in class. That´s very un-PC to me, let some students wear what they want (based on old stories of a bitter god suffering from AGS) but other will be reported if wearing a top hat (gay goths).

Let's just wrap the little bitches in a plaid skirt and be done wif it. I don't give a fuck if the little pricks don't like it, they're gonna wear a goddamned uniform, and that'll solve the whole PC bullshit once and for all.

And this is coming from someone who was thrown outta school twice for wearing Slayer shirts to class...!

Jurched said:
Let's just wrap the little bitches in a plaid skirt and be done wif it. I don't give a fuck if the little pricks don't like it, they're gonna wear a goddamned uniform, and that'll solve the whole PC bullshit once and for all.

And this is coming from someone who was thrown outta school twice for wearing Slayer shirts to class...!


At least it haven´t gone that far here. Wearing a Slayer-shirt still makes you the cool kid among the metal heads! :headbang:
Arg_Hamster said:
At least it haven´t gone that far here. Wearing a Slayer-shirt still makes you the cool kid among the metal heads! :headbang:

For the most part, it would. Except in 1990. At that time, the kids were wearing "White Snake" shirts and asking me what my fuckin problem was. I was like, "Fuck wif me, and I'm gonna send your stupid asses On an' On South of Heaven, shitheads!"

Its about that time some punks draped with weak Ratt shirts ran away and complained to the principal about my morbid Slayer shirt, who then forced me to go home and change it.

They're all pointin' at me, talkin shit like "Next time, if you don't show up wearin a Skid Row shirt, don't bother showing up at all."

I shouted back, "Hey, hey, I'll brandish a Scorpions shirt, but FUCK Skid Row, man!"

I didn't win popularity contests in school.

Jurched neither did i.

favorite gwar line...

Gave up pussy Stopped doin toot

Now you can't wait to give someone the boot.

Elbows and knucles all your know how.

Brains full of shit - Boots full of lead

Straight of Hitler's ass its a nazi skinhead.

- Slaughterama. :D