Will Nad and Reign in Acai finally get the credit they deserve

Fabulous news from California:
California school textbooks would highlight the role gays have played in the history of the nation's most populous state if a new proposal that has angered conservatives passes the state Legislature.

History books record contributions by gays but their sexual orientation is often ignored, a situation gay activists say is inexcusable in California, home to a large gay population in San Francisco, a city that briefly made history in 2004 by issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

The proposed bill would require school textbooks to include lessons on how gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender persons have helped California develop.

Conservative groups say the proposal before lawmakers goes too far and promise a hard fight in California's ideologically divided Legislature. They say it is another bold political move by gay-rights advocates who last year lobbied the Democrat-led Legislature to pass a bill to allow same-sex marriages.

Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed that legislation, but has not taken a position on the new bill.

“This bill would also prohibit anything that reflects adversely on those people,” said Karen England of the conservative Capitol Resource Institute.

Ok, I have to say that is completely rediculous. No one should stand out for anything because of their sexual preferences.
Yeah I read about this yesterday. Seems sorta silly and pointless. I mean nobody is excluding the homos right? They just aren't explicitly speaking of their homosexual tendencies.

Of couse truth in school textbooks is like, you know... a pipedream a lot of times.

Textbooks with the real ending of the Korean War! <-- botched I'm sure, can't remember the direct quote.
So and so was a great man. He did all these great things. Oh, and we forgot to mention this because its "really historically important" he plungered his boyfriends ass.