Sci Fi Metal - Heaviest thing I've done yet


Jan 13, 2009
Check it out guys>>> Black Hole

I'm liking this one - in Drop D for a change and it's the Ibanez pgm301 through the tonelab st into Cubase sx.

Used various vst's for the synths, Im liking this style and look forward to writing more in this vein.

Feedback welcome dudes!!
for some strange reason i like this :D

detailed infos about the guitar and the vsts? next time im bored i'd like to try something similar maybe haha
i like the sound!
Nice song, I was immediately imagining that vocalist from Orgy would suit this song just swell.

Guitars sounds abit too compressed to me, but I like the disco-style drums on this,
could propably try adding some different beats a la Prodigy etc.

Interesting sounding altogether :)