Scion Rock Fest

I realize that a lot of you don't care about these bands to begin with. But I'm not even sure what the relevance of the sponsor is to some of you. People are always complaining about the lack of metal events in this country, and then one actually happens (yes, I realize all of these bands "suck", and Wacken or Inferno destroy this, blah blah) it's so terrible.

Even if you don't care for the bands playing, this is a positive thing, in general.
Good point. I actually don't care about most of the bands on this bill but it's not a bad thing this event is happening.
NACHTMYSTIUM forced to cancel: (bunch of B.S. if you ask me)

2/27/09 - Chicago, IL:

Nachtmystium has sad news today with a once-again recurring issue
surfacing from the wake of our past.
We've been forced, at the request
of the promoters and sponsers , to pull out of the Scion Rock Festival, scheduled for Saturday, February 28th. This news came to us just this past Tuesday and was very disheartening to say the least. A troubling, and unjustly-applied notion that we are, or ever have been, in any way, a "Nazi" band or a political band on any level, is completely absurd and we are disgusted that there is someone out there who really believes we are of this ilk. Thanks to one uneducated, extremist moron, this 'fact' made it as far as the sponsors of this events desks, and now we are forced to pull out of it after some political threatening via major media outlets (CNN, Fox News, etc) on the part of these ridiculously uneducated person/people who have caused this ruckus.

We'd like to make light of at least one aspect of this situation and use
the opportunity to once again clear the air - we are, IN NO WAY, a
'Nazi' band.
We do NOT support such groups, political beliefs or bands
that are affiliated with that world.
We have canceled tours in the past
and dodged working with bands and people BECAUSE they had these
ideologies and we never wanted to be affiliated with it.
Yet, here we
are, a metal band who's members are more like hippies than your typical
leather-clad metal maniacs, and we're being falsely accused of this
association once again.

We will be taking legal action against the person who slandered us in
this situation, and in the future will file defamation / slander charges
against any person or organization who attempts to prevent us from
performing anywhere, especially in the United States.
We are as
offended by this as someone might be at the notion of a Nazi band
playing a big corporate-sponsered festival.
So - let it be known loud
and clear for the LAST TIME, we ARE NOT a Nazi band, ARE NOT political,
are certainly NOT racists and DO NOT support that world or any band,
person or business affiliated with it.

My deepest apologies to all of our friends, fans and people who have
worked on and supported us being a part of this festival, we are sorry
for these awful circumstances and you can be certain this will not
defeat us.

See all of you very, very soon.

Blake Judd, Jeff Wilson, Jon Necromancer and Zack Simmons / Nachtmystium
That's what they get for covering an obviously political song by an obviously fascist band, especially since their cover version is pointless and terrible. I don't understand why they'd do that and then deny supporting or liking bands with those beliefs.
They covered a song called "Rose Clouds of Holocaust" by a neofolk group called Death in June. It's on the EP that they released last year. The original version is one of my favorite songs, but their cover was awful in my opinion. The lyrics make the message pretty obvious.
So apparently, Nachtmystium, and specifically band leader Blake, do have a history of speaking online about strong political beliefs and associating with record labels and bands that have these types of beliefs. He used to be really outspoken on the Full Moon Productions forum a few years ago, and associated with labels like Vinland Winds. I'm not that surprised.