Scored an SM7 for $30 (canadian)


Feb 21, 2009
I went to visit an old friend from high school this weekend and we got on the topic of gear and he said he had an old milk crate down in his basement full off cables and mics. so i decide to dig through it and to my surprise beneath the crap cables and dollar store mics was a Shure SM7. My buddy goes "man you can have it all its just gonna get thrown out come spring anyway" (I had to give him something so i gave him $30 for it ). The SM 7 is beat up and looks like it has gone to war and back but works and sounds great however it is missing the windscreen, Does anyone know what these cost ? I asked him how he got it he said he had a college radio show and the station was shutting down so he got to take some stuff and the mic was in the box of junk he took. really digging the roll of and high end boost switches... I don't have a camera or I would snap some pics but I thought I would post this sweet score. Also does anyone know of any Mods for these I mean for the price if i can mod it and make it even better that would be great.. (don't get me wrong they are amazing as is)
i haven't really heard of any mods for these, aside from removing the windscreen...just use a pop filter and you should be cool
Yeah every thing sounds good with it. as for the wind screen I am fine with just using a regular pop filter I just want one for the original windscreens because they are thin and for the dudes who like to scream holding the mic. I just thought about modding it because its easier to risk a mod on something you invested $30 on compared to $300 and up. I have had some pretty sweet luck with microphones this month this rapper kid I know and sometimes record showed up at my house with a brand new SM58 he got for christmas and asked if I would track a quick song for him for the mic I said for sure . He said his mom bought it for him to start recording with but it had no usb on it so he didn't know how to use it lol I explained to him he could get an interface then he would be set.. He said fuck it its only a cheap mic (and when i say kid I mean he is 19 so its not like i ripped off a little kid) he just wanted to record and had no money so pretty good deal for me. I usually have the worst luck in the world when it comes to deals on gear Something bad must be going to happen soon .:Smokedev:
Haha nice grabs! Also good man explaining to the kid that he just needed an interface instead of just pocketing the mic like most would.