Scoring music?

Skinny Viking

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Lydian?
Oct 10, 2007
Does anyone know how to do this? I have a friend who wishes to track a keyboard solo for one of my songs and he mentioned that a score of the section would be helpful. I know almost nothing of how to write musical notation or anything, I can only write guitar tab and even thats not all that good ;) Can someone explain how to do this or better yet (hope hope) if I supplied guitar tab, could someone actual score it out for me? Its just a 30 second section roughly. I'd REALLY appreciate it if someone could help me out here

What notation software do you have? You should be able to just take MIDI from either Sibelius, Guitar Pro, Finale, whatever and import it to standard notation.

Or, if you are already have it written in tablature, you could just copy the measures into a staff of standard notation.
whens it need done by??

no rush really. My buddy is pretty busy doing a bunch of stuff with his band for their dvd and its gonna take me a couple days to knock out a rough mix of the tune for him anyway. They're hitting the studio in a couple weeks so I'm gonna try to get everything to him by next week at the latest.

Would be so much easier if we lived in the same country :D hahaha
The biggest difference between guitar tab and score notation is that guiar tab doesn't have any way of telling you rhythm. Only what note to play.

If you understand music theory and note durations then you should be all right scoring rhythm but if you don't then you will be pulling your hair out trying to get the rhythm right. At least with software you have playback so you know when its right but if you don't know any theory I suggest looking at some grade 1 theory. That should be enough to help you.

If you do know theory then just ignore me...
to quote you...

"You sir, are a LEGEND"! :D

However, it seems it will be unnecessary ... just got an email back from him, he's fine with just having the chords written out for him

I really appreciate the offer though man, thanks again

btw ... any luck finding a good MH snare? I did a bit of searching the other day and came up with nothing but maybe you had a bit more luck?
Not as of yet

I got a bit through that link, but my net crashed on me, so i need to go back through and sort out what i do and don't have... try a few of them out...

I will let you know what i find...