Scotsmen: The Thread For True Scot's Men...and Shitty ones, like Heavenscent

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Said the Englishman to the boastful Scot: ‘Take away your mountains, glens and lochs, and what have you got?’ ‘England,’ replied the Scot.

Why are they putting Englishmen at the bottom of the ocean?
They found out that deep down, they’re really not so bad.

Jock was in London wearing his tartan when a curious lady asked if there was anything worn under the kilt.
'No madam,' he replied with a flourish. 'Everything is in perfect working order.'

not that great, but this thread needs revitalizing
i'll get that dirty jew gavin to go for a flurry of pictures some night and it'll get a sweet kick to the ass :D

nice jokes tho dude :kickass:

It's nice and it, you know you wanna :lol:
Everyone just wants to whore themselves out to being partly scottish....

gies us a lend o' yr castle fer a day? Gavinjew and myself can hae a big perty full o' tits'n'ass wi loats o' bevvy and shaggin'...
Final_Product said:
gies us a lend o' yr castle fer a day? Gavinjew and myself can hae a big perty full o' tits'n'ass wi loats o' bevvy and shaggin'...

Awwwch aye, then w'ull go fae a douch in the loch afterwurts. Rakes a' bevvy and shaggin'!
Shit, we're pure haverin' scottish, nae cunt'll ken wit the fuck w'ur on aboot.