Scott Ian...American Idol fan?

Well, if Scott Ian is shaming us with this presence at American Idol, let's probe a little further..........

Gee, I hope Scott Ian isn't spotted in McDonalds......

You know, that encourages people to eat unhealthy food and cause themselves to possibly internallly combust.

He would supporting the rich fast-food fat cats of this world who want to take our money by giving us Satan's own fries and big mac in return, pulling us into our own self destruction in the name of corporate greed......

I also hope he doesn't wear Nike, Stussy, Adidas or any other known brand name of clothing - we all know that stuff is produced by slave labour in third world coutries. He would obviously be suggeseting that it is ok to purchase these goods at the expense of millions of deaths of the third world, because the grown-up's must eat their young, due to the wages for slave labour are not sufficient to provide for daily needs and living.

In fact, let's hope Scott does not drive a car ... all the carbon monixide poisioning the air and causes countless cases of cancer and long painful deaths for those who dare to breath the oxygen we are supplied with.

Stop the madness Scott, stop it now !!!!!!!!

See how insane this can become ..........
God forbid he switches on a light. All that electricity created by dangerous nuclear power stations. You know how deadly that radiation stuff can be.
And he must not eat, because he may not finish it all(wasting food is a no no) and thus depriving some third world child potential food

What about playing a guitar, as we all know guitars are made of wood--a very precious material and by playing his guitar millions or acres of brazillian rain forest is being destroyed.

Damn you Scott Ian, you are destroying the world :yell:
...and grow his hair back... by having no hair, Iam sure that some hairdresser is being deprived of income and their is a family starving somewhere because it is one less head of hair that needs attending to..

A goatie is not enough, that is like giving the empty bowl with no rice......

Scott has to many tatt's now and running out of room for anyh more ... their goes another body canvass where the tatto artist's freedom of expression is denied and they will never be heard of again and dissolve to nothing.....
anyway what´s American Idol about? Is it something like a Pop Idol, where you choose "the best singer" and there is a jury?
It's exactly that, Johnnie.

It IS trash tv, but it's not worth Opp getting his panties in a bunch about. I doubt that Scott was sitting there thinking "This is so cool", he probably went for a laugh - something different to do. Who cares?

Just cos you like metal it doesn't mean you can only ever do 'metal' things. Live a little for fuck sake!
Personally the idea of tuning into Idol and see Scott on there is COOL... METAL METAL METAL ON MY TV.

The old notion that as a Metal Head you turn your back on everything is just ... so ... 1980s.

Hell I don't dress like a Metal Head - my hair is short. I like all kinds a music though my love for Metal burns deep. I love watching Kids films. I am generally a quiet, non-assuming person who hasn't ever done drugs. Heck I look after myself and eat relatively lo fat. Dare I say it I even used to do Ballroom dancing with my ex-fiancee (before the gay jokes start my ex was a sexy Italian chic).

Does that mean I am not Metal?
Man I LOVE ANTHRAX, SLAYER, MAIDEN... have so since late 80s. I headbang as hard as anyone else on this board. I love nothing more than tearing it up in some moshpit.

I won't be pigeoned holed just because I like some style of music.... or watch a certain TV show or heaven forbid attend a show that maybe isn't exactly Metal. Now in my 30s I realise that not everything is so black and white. Scott is in his early 40s now - he can do whatever he wants.

For what's it worth - American Idol entertained me for one reason. That Simon guy and Randy DOG DOG YO YO ... now they made me laugh. What a bunch of cartoon characters those two are.

It not's a lifestyle. Its music. Its a release.
I love Metal but it hasn't decided what I do and don't do.

I'll do whatever the hell I want - coz if listening to Anthrax ever taught me anything it's you make your own decisions in life.

- ok I just know I am gonna get flamed for that Ballroom comment (for what its worth I am a pretty damn good dancer).
anyway it kinda makes sense, i saw an episode where gene simmons was on the jury, (during the auditions....the only good bit of these shows) maybe scott is just continuing his quest to be inspired by kiss ;)

anyhoo, i think it starts in a month or two here in the UK, but gene simmons is doing a pop idol type show over here called rock school......i think thew prize is the newly formed band that comes out of it will have an opening slot at brixton, summin like that.........sounds bum
aliasp said:
Personally the idea of tuning into Idol and see Scott on there is COOL... METAL METAL METAL ON MY TV.

The old notion that as a Metal Head you turn your back on everything is just ... so ... 1980s.

Hell I don't dress like a Metal Head - my hair is short. I like all kinds a music though my love for Metal burns deep. I love watching Kids films. I am generally a quiet, non-assuming person who hasn't ever done drugs. Heck I look after myself and eat relatively lo fat. Dare I say it I even used to do Ballroom dancing with my ex-fiancee (before the gay jokes start my ex was a sexy Italian chic).

Does that mean I am not Metal?
Man I LOVE ANTHRAX, SLAYER, MAIDEN... have so since late 80s. I headbang as hard as anyone else on this board. I love nothing more than tearing it up in some moshpit.

I won't be pigeoned holed just because I like some style of music.... or watch a certain TV show or heaven forbid attend a show that maybe isn't exactly Metal. Now in my 30s I realise that not everything is so black and white. Scott is in his early 40s now - he can do whatever he wants.

For what's it worth - American Idol entertained me for one reason. That Simon guy and Randy DOG DOG YO YO ... now they made me laugh. What a bunch of cartoon characters those two are.

It not's a lifestyle. Its music. Its a release.
I love Metal but it hasn't decided what I do and don't do.

I'll do whatever the hell I want - coz if listening to Anthrax ever taught me anything it's you make your own decisions in life.

- ok I just know I am gonna get flamed for that Ballroom comment (for what its worth I am a pretty damn good dancer).

Yer, you pretty much summed it up their mate !!! Hey, you never danced around the offices when you worked in Adelaide.....
I agree with this Opp. Scott has a right to go where he wants and do what he wants, but being there is gay and calling in advance to set up close seats or having someone else make the call is even gayer. He is the charter member of the who's who of who's that.

Who knows, maybe he was there scouting vocalist to use when this Belladonna thing flames out...
SaviourSelf said:
I agree with this Opp. Scott has a right to go where he wants and do what he wants, but being there is gay and calling in advance to set up close seats or having someone else make the call is even gayer. He is the charter member of the who's who of who's that.

Who knows, maybe he was there scouting vocalist to use when this Belladonna thing flames out...

Are you sure you're not Dan Lilkers wife?
Who cares if your Scott Ian or The fags from queer eye, American Idol is gayer then gay, lamer then Hanson and Swallows more cock then your Moms.
Then again if I got free tickets I'd go..