Scott Ian...American Idol fan?

ThraxSA said:
I watched that World Idol once - their was guy from Belgium on their singing some metal stuff (some Nirvana song I think - some would say that's not metal I guess, but it is certainly on the heavier end of the backstreet boys songs the others seemed to barf out) ... I thought he sounded ok actually.

he made it to the final!!! but he lost in the end!!
so what i am gathering from this so far is that its not ok to be unhappy with the metal scene and still enoy watching people get their ego's trashed live. just because someone makes one kind of music does that mean that can't sit and enoy another type of music?
hehe, our Pop Idol sucks so much. Everyone went soooo apeshit over it. But guess what, my friend´s GF is maybe gonna make it this round. She´s pretty hot.
Good on her, she must be pretty talented.
As a nerdy mum (thats Aussie for mom) I inadvertantly watched American Idol. Didnt like the music but there where some great singers. Bit I found intrigueing is when the no talent rejects are wailing to their friends in disbelief. Their friends are saying don't worry honey, those judges just can't see talent. Like what the fuck, I'm all for positive thinking go for it blah blah, I'm a mum remember. But surely a true friend from the onset would suggest their friend try mime or sword swallowing or macrame if they're bored.

Like many here I too hold sacred music that expressed so much and taught me to question and to think well. Scott Ians appearance on American Idol ain't gonna dent any of that. Who sold out? Advertising companies and corporations cashing in on teen angst and peddling instant street cred back in the 90's and now. Ie Dead Kennedys being approached to use a song in a denim commercial.
My rage - Holly Valance wearing a Ramones tshirt in one of her crap song videos. But if it prompts a million teenagers to listen to them - good. The kids of today might just learn something. ie that Blink 182 arent old school hah hah
My favourite moment like that was when I saw David Beckham (UK football bloke and general style-monkey) wearing an Exodus tshirt! He clearly has no idea who or what exodus was. I doubt if they got any new fans from that though.

Speaking of Exodus, I always wanted them to release an album called Bob Marley. (I also wanted Poison to release a song called Alice Cooper. And then stop. Forever.)
Was he wearing the hair band to match his ensemble?
I also remember a Justin Timberlake video with the girl wearing an Iron Maiden tshirt through out, the song was pretty lame the best thing about it was the tshirt.
Brentney Spears said:
I think it's sad that you were watching American Idol to see Scott watching American Idol. Muffy called it. I'm metal, I've never watched 15 seconds of that fucking lame shit. New Battlestar Galactica rules!

San Dimas High School football ain't so bad, either.

Can the guys in this band take a fucking breath of oxygen without their own fans calling them sellouts and poseurs? If I were a rock star, and I were invited to something I didn't really like, I'd still go as a goof, because of possible connections.

It would be really nice if Anthrax were my own personal band, something that only I liked, something I could mold into the band I want it to be.

It would be nicer if my favorite band became even more successful.

"God damn that Scott Ian! Ever since that fucking dude shaved his head, he's been posed-out. Jesus Christ, next he'll start doing solos and shit!"

Cults within the cult. So fucking weird. Like those idiots on the Adult Swim board who hate "Tom Goes to the Mayor."

Start your own fucking band. That'll show us all.
Holy crap. Sorry I took a break from headbanging in my living room to Celtic Frost (on cassette) to go and support my friend Bo. Yes, I am friends with Bo Bice who is a huge metal head and happens to be on that show. Was the show lame? Who cares. We went there to support a brother who's in LA and doesn't know anybody. It's what friends do for each other.
Mr. Wu said:
Holy crap. Sorry I took a break from headbanging in my living room to Celtic Frost (on cassette) to go and support my friend Bo. Yes, I am friends with Bo Bice who is a huge metal head and happens to be on that show. Was the show lame? Who cares. We went there to support a brother who's in LA and doesn't know anybody. It's what friends do for each other.

You said it Goatee Man! :rock:
Mr. Wu said:
Holy crap. Sorry I took a break from headbanging in my living room to Celtic Frost (on cassette) to go and support my friend Bo. Yes, I am friends with Bo Bice who is a huge metal head and happens to be on that show. Was the show lame? Who cares. We went there to support a brother who's in LA and doesn't know anybody. It's what friends do for each other.
Celtic Frost - I loved their cover of Mexican Radio.

Shit I went to the Sharon Osbourne show :yuk: estrogen city but I got paid because a work team building thing.

some hip-hop band played and they were so stoned they were stoned they could have been a Visine commercial.
Mr. Wu said:
Holy crap. Sorry I took a break from headbanging in my living room to Celtic Frost (on cassette) to go and support my friend Bo. Yes, I am friends with Bo Bice who is a huge metal head and happens to be on that show. Was the show lame? Who cares. We went there to support a brother who's in LA and doesn't know anybody. It's what friends do for each other.

'Bo Bice'? Isn't that a disease? THAT'S metal! He's friends with a disease!!

Scott, when you play Glasgow, call the crowd "a shower of fuds", they'll love it.
American Idol sucks Knobbers compared to The U.k version "Pop Idol" (the original i might add).

The U.k charts have been truly blessed in the last few years by such groundbreaking artists as Will "the sausage jockey" Young and Gggggggareth Gggggggates. Thankyou Simon, you have done so much for music in our humble nation.

Scott, if you play Belfast I promise no-one will gob on you, w'eve become slightly more civilised (not much though).
Mr. Wu said:
Holy crap. Sorry I took a break from headbanging in my living room to Celtic Frost (on cassette) to go and support my friend Bo. Yes, I am friends with Bo Bice who is a huge metal head and happens to be on that show. Was the show lame? Who cares. We went there to support a brother who's in LA and doesn't know anybody. It's what friends do for each other.

Yeah, what the fuck were you thinking, WU? You are supposed to be constantly sitting in a inverted pentagram soaked in goat's blood while burning Immortal an effigy :D Jeez, I thought you read "How To Be Constantly Metal Handbook"
Cool of you to support your friend. Posehn implied at his board that he figured the trolls would be all over this one. They never disappoint.

Since the old band is together again, are you guys doing the colorful shorts thing? I still wear Hawaiian shirts over my metal shirts. It's crazy like that.
Posehn was right. Sorry Scott, cool to support a bro and all but the show is still GAY. Forrest I got to give it to ya with the Hawaiin shirt and metal t's.... You are truly a man who does not care. Thats so Metal its PUNK.
Mr. Wu said:
Holy crap. Sorry I took a break from headbanging in my living room to Celtic Frost (on cassette) to go and support my friend Bo. Yes, I am friends with Bo Bice who is a huge metal head and happens to be on that show. Was the show lame? Who cares. We went there to support a brother who's in LA and doesn't know anybody. It's what friends do for each other.

And THAT would be an official Wu approved bitch slapping boys and girls.
