Scott Ian - John Bush


Aftermath..Shades of Hell
Aug 5, 2005
This isn't really Armored Saint related, but I don't find it appropriate to put on the Anthrax board at this point. I don't need to start another John vs Joey debate.

I find it interesting that Scott Ian's "myspace" has all John Bush songs playing in his rotation. Do you think that says anything?
Yeah. I won't read too much into it.
I just thought it was interesting after all that has gone on lately.
He's said a few times that WCFYA was his most favourite record, and Safe Home and Only his most favourite songs, go figure, maybe he just doesn't want to irritate any visitors with Joey's whining...
johnnieCzech said:
He's said a few times that WCFYA was his most favourite record, and Safe Home and Only his most favourite songs, go figure, maybe he just doesn't want to irritate any visitors with Joey's whining...

You never miss an oportunity do you Johnnie :lol: Hows life anyways?
Scott is making up for the fact that Bush has been completely omitted from the current Anthrax website.
Hey Johnnie - haven't seen your name on the Thrax boards recently, but then I saw your 'reunion basher' namesake and quickly worked out why!
How you been doing?!

Hey Timmy, sorry for replying so late, I don't check out this board very often you see! I'm doing pretty good, except for the fact I have a new job which is pretty demanding!
Well I decided to leave Anthrax board and not to post there anymore - I wasn't banned, even though some people say so. There are few reasons for it and the main one was that some of my threads got censored. Take care!
Yeah that's yet to happen to me as yet but your posts have been more controversial than mine, hahahahah!!!!

Hey now that the reunion is over I'm seriously hoping for Bush and Rob to return and finally make WCFYA pt. II. Then maybe we'll see you back on NFMB!!??