scott on illegal dl


Of course everyone on this board loves Scott, but he's an idiot when it comes to this subject
I didn't read this but I assume Scott is condemning illegal downloading. It's fucking 2011, me and about a dozen other people in this world still buy music, and bands are still hung up over this? They make a hell of a lot more money touring and playing shows than anything else anyway. And it's true, record companies have fucked it all up which is why bigger bands that have money should just press and release records on their OWN label.
I didn't read this but I assume Scott is condemning illegal downloading. It's fucking 2011, me and about a dozen other people in this world still buy music, and bands are still hung up over this? They make a hell of a lot more money touring and playing shows than anything else anyway. And it's true, record companies have fucked it all up which is why bigger bands that have money should just press and release records on their OWN label.

Yes the record companies were slow to react to the digital movement, but Scott is right. You know why bands tour in the 1st place? A record deal is like a home loan. Record companies "finance" the album, band has to pay it back, they hardly make any money from record sales. Record companies provide a srevice to the bands, the bands provide entertainment by album or live show for the fans, you have to pay for that, people that download for free are wrecking it for future bands. On average for every 20 bands record companies invest in, 3 or 4 are a success. It's so important that we support our fave bands no matter what and I know everyone here is doing that with Anthrax. Do you get Free Gas? Free eletricity? Free Food? Why does something that's digital make it right or different? It's like saying don't steal from the poor, but stealing from the rich is OK......
Yes the record companies were slow to react to the digital movement, but Scott is right. You know why bands tour in the 1st place? A record deal is like a home loan. Record companies "finance" the album, band has to pay it back, they hardly make any money from record sales. Record companies provide a srevice to the bands, the bands provide entertainment by album or live show for the fans, you have to pay for that, people that download for free are wrecking it for future bands. On average for every 20 bands record companies invest in, 3 or 4 are a success. It's so important that we support our fave bands no matter what and I know everyone here is doing that with Anthrax. Do you get Free Gas? Free eletricity? Free Food? Why does something that's digital make it right or different? It's like saying don't steal from the poor, but stealing from the rich is OK......

Unfortunately the generation that's about 25 years old and younger think that free music is their God given right. I've posted about this before on Yahoo Answers and the responses I get are fucking ridiculous. They are completely remorseless about it too and they think that every person with a record contract is a multimillionaire. For anyone who's ever put time in writing a song, spending hours rehearsing it and perfecting it and then going to a studio and paying for studio time and a recording engineer/producer, you want to get the music out there but you also have the dream of making a living making music and you need income in order to pay back your debt and show whoever it is that is bank rolling you that you're worth the future investment. Having some tool clicking "download" and just treating your creation like it's some useless commodity to absentmindedly steal at will is almost an insult. You hit it right on the head about free food and gas. I agree with Scott on this, you want to steal the music, then actually go to the store and steal the disc if you want your free music so badly.

Even putting all that aside, I prefer to have an actual product in my hand, not just having a bunch of 1s and 0s on a hard drive.
Wow I just read this and this dude has the word BUSINESS shoved completely up his ass. I've bought a jillion records in the past 2 years that I never would've got around to buying if I hadn't downloaded them first. Of course not everyone does this, most people just download it and even if they end up loving it, they still don't buy it. But if everything is about business and a product being sold, then what if I buy the album and I think it sucks? Can I return it for a refund? Of course not. The reason I download is because of the obvious fact that I don't want to potentially waste money on something that I'm not going to like. If I do like it, then I buy it, sometimes multiple versions if I like it that much.
Ever tried running a business? 85% of all businesses fail in the 1st 5 years of operation. Too right business owners wan't thier money.
ok first off i think Scott should be looking for the person responsible for leaking WM in the first place. plug the leak end the illegal downloading. next who leaked the album is just as important as who downloaded it in the first place. i would place a bet the Scott doesn't want to find that out.
Oh, and Scott is probably the wrong person to be whining about this. He and the rest of the band aren't hurting for money, but especially him.
You kinda have to ask yourself, does Scott have FUN playing music anymore or does he just look out into the crowd and see a bunch of potential dollar signs? That's what he's sounding like.
You kinda have to ask yourself, does Scott have FUN playing music anymore or does he just look out into the crowd and see a bunch of potential dollar signs? That's what he's sounding like.

That has zero to do with Fun. Do you want to have fun going broke? Good luck to you. This is thier living, whether they are rich or poor has NOTHING to do with it. Stealing is stealing, no matter what. If they are rich, well they have earned it as far as I'm concerned.
Burger is a product, a form of food, but still a product.
Pay to enjoy it, taking and eating it for free from a burger stand is stealing.
Music is a product, a form of art, but still a product.
Pay to enjoy it, taking and listening to it for free is stealing.'s 2011. He must have been having a bad day.. The present and future of music is not about ownership, it's about access to content(ones and zeros whether you like it or not). I've been a subscriber of Rhapsody for years now. It's only a paltry $10 a month and I have selection at will from a vast library of music streaming in hi fi. This gives me the chance to check out old forgotten jazz records(who's arists are all DEAD anyway so who gives about their finances) hippie rock, obscure blues records classic rock etc. that I otherwise wouldn't go out and eagerly buy. I'm listening to some live Pink Floyd on it now as I type. The only stuff not on there really are the red hot chili peppers, Metallica and the Beatles. I already own all of those bands albums anyway. And if an artist is still around and playing out, I go check them out and spend money at their show. Many young up and coming artists sell their albums with autographs to promote sales. smart move if you ask me.

The 80's are over. The days of excess and people filling their homes with records are over. The only people that got rich were the labels, lawyers, and drug dealers...all people that don't give a fuck about the artists anyway. They all covered their asses first when the internet came around.

I'm sorry if I DL'd worship music one week before it came out. I couldn't stand the anticipation. After all, I only waited EIGHT FUCKING YEARS and multiple singer changes. Fuck all. And I bought 3 versions of Worship Music and gifted one.
Yeah it's true bands make most of their cash while touring, and don't see much, if any from CD sales.

But those greedy record companies are also supporting the tour. They front the band money to go out on the road and promote the record. Now that bands are selling less and less CDs, record companies aren't going to support their tours anymore - and the bands won't be able to AFFORD gas, money to pay techs, a bus, hotel rooms, and everything else that makes it easy for them to stay out on the road for months at a time. They end up having to fund the tour themselves, which can sometimes be a money losing thing...sometimes they barely break even. These guys have families to feed. Sure, they do this because they love doing it - but at the end of the day, it IS their job. If it doesn't put food on their table, they are better off getting a job at a factory and playing weekend gigs at their local clubs.