Scottish Independence - An outsiders perspective?

My company has been a big part of both campaigns (the SNP was one of our very first customers) and had a newsletter about the referendum go out the other day; two things that stick with me the most:

1. Scots literally get to vote for what Americans got 250 years ago.
2. "Every 16-year-old in Scotland will grow up having had the opportunity to make this historic decision themselves...and their concept of what is possible in the world is now radically different."

Regardless of what happens, this is an awesome moment in history for Scots. I honestly hope Yes wins out just to see what happens geopolitically.
Voted yes this morning.

The oldies are gonna ruin the party for us with their union stockholm syndrome, just watch :lol:
wouldn't fancy being in Glasgow when the result's announced whatever happens. politicians will be scumbags either way.

It's fine mate honestly, a few people have got a bit shouty and one politician got egged - the press are making it out like theres going to be WW3 but its actually been pretty civil and even the police have issued a statement saying the press is exaggerating to get people into a frenzy. For the most part its been fairly good natured.
While I hope Scotland gets what it wants democratically, I'll also be more than happy if you vote no as it will give England the best shot at regional government, rather than simply an English parliament or no devolution here at all.
My company has been a big part of both campaigns (the SNP was one of our very first customers) and had a newsletter about the referendum go out the other day; two things that stick with me the most:

1. Scots literally get to vote for what Americans got 250 years ago.
2. "Every 16-year-old in Scotland will grow up having had the opportunity to make this historic decision themselves...and their concept of what is possible in the world is now radically different."

Regardless of what happens, this is an awesome moment in history for Scots. I honestly hope Yes wins out just to see what happens geopolitically.

They're hardly the same thing, the context could not be more different without not actually being about independent government involving the UK.
Absolutely gutted, we had a chance to change things forever and said no, you can't fight the mainstream media I guess.

We'll get a federal UK now instead, it's really not the worst outcome. If it doesn't work out, the nationalist movement will still be there.
Yeah we'll be back here in 15 years.

I don't think we will be getting anything approaching federalism.
Yeah we'll be back here in 15 years.

I don't think we will be getting anything approaching federalism.

You'd be surprised how pissed off the English are about all this. Scotland and Wales get representation of some kind but there are more people in a 50 miles radius around Manchester than in either country, and that area gets just as if not more neglected by the British state.

It's worth adding that it aggravates people massively when Scots call the English imperialists over the issue when over 15 million English people are actually in a worse situation for the same reason. Ultimately though it's something that people have to take for themselves. When enough people here want it, we'll get it and so will you. You're just closer than we are.
Yeah I just think for the amount of trouble this has caused they're not going to be rushing in right away to give the north of england a mandate to cause a ruckus - as much as it deserves it.

What they'll do with Scotland is another matter - we'll probably see devolved tax powers and then they'll cut the barnett formula and let whatever parties in power hoist itself from its own petard.
Really bummed of the outcome, I was so sure scottish people would take on the chance of independence.
Perhaps Putin was involved as an advisor for the Westminster Parliament how to get things done, damn this sucks!

As predicted - jockholm syndrome :lol:
Looks like the coffin dodgers fucked it for us. Shameful that those with comparatively little time left have binned independence for those that actually wanted it and will have to live with the decision for longer. Especially disappointing that the most likely reason they voted no was because of fear over pensions, despite the UK Pensions Minister saying pensions would be safe (but this wasn't pushed much by the MSM)

I'm still a bit suspicious of some foul play in the polling though. Turnout was well above 80% for most areas, but the two biggest yes city's Dundee and Glasgow were 78% and 75%, the two lowest turnouts in the whole thing. Also Dundee's counting centre was evacuated twice during the count for fire alarms.

Hopeful for the future though, maybe if we get another go in 15-20 years time we'll get it. This really would have been the best time for it though.
Yeah, you're reading way further into it than you should. I just meant independence from England, wasn't comparing contexts at all.

You said it was literally the same thing dude. Your words.