Scream for me Irvine!!

Pharaoh Eddie

New Metal Member
Jul 31, 2003
Burbank, CA
LOL, like we all didn't see that one coming....I was anticipating Dickinson saying it all night.

The show rocked!! Many thanks to my good buddy for those last minute VIP tickets, and they were decent seats too! No waiting in lines, convenient parking, and a waiter actually brought beer and drinks to your seat. Those $10 beers never tasted so sweet (yeah right). :rolleyes:

We caught the last half of Motorhead's show. I was never really a fan of theirs, and now I know why. Although the music is decent, every song they played was interchangeable...same drumbeat, same guitar riff. Still, it was cool to see them live, Lemmy's a legend after all. :cool:

Dio has rocked for a long, long time,
Now it's time for him to pass the torch.
He has songs of wildebeests and angels,
He has soared on the wings of a demon.

It's time to pass the torch,
You're too old to rock, no more rockin' for you.
We're takin' you to a home,
But we will sing a song about you.

And we will make sure that you're very well taken care of.
You'll tell us secrets that you've learned. Raow!
Your sauce will mix with ours,
And we'll make a good goulash baby.
Dio, time to go!
You must give your cape and scepter to me.
And a smaller one for KG.
Go! Go! Dio! Dio!
~ Tenacious D

I'm kidding around. This guy will soon be in diapers, if not already, and he still kicks ass! Although, we couldn't help contain our laughter over his stage antics, his signature moves. He rules! :p

"Scream for me Irvine.....SCREAM FOR ME IRVINE!!!!"
What can I say about Maiden, they were incredible as expected! They mostly played their older songs, Eddie came out (of course), and an excellent high-energy stage show. I'm so glad I went, specially after reading that article about Steve's health. That's too bad. :(

Anyway, I'm bummed that I'm not going to the Long Beach show tonight. To all you lucky boys and girls who are going: have a blast, and drink one for me! !:kickass:
Duh...I almost forgot. So as we're leaving the arena, I spotted none other than The Maidens themselves. We're all being herded toward the exits like the cattle we are, and I turn to my left.....and there they were. Out of 10-20,000 concertgoers, what are the odds?! :cool:

Jenny has a good eye.....she pointed me out in the crowd, thanks to a certain T-shirt I happened to be wearing, hehe. ;)
All in all, a nice added bonus and cool way to end the evening. Damn, if I knew you were all going backstage to meet Maiden, I would have hung around and maybe weaseled my way in somehow, haha. :Smokedev:

Oh, here's the other kicker. When we first arrived at the show, we bypassed security altogether. I'm guessing it was because of the VIP tickets, I don't know?! Had we known, we could have easily snuck in a camera and taped the whole show. Damn it!! :waah:
Pharaoh Eddie said:
I'm kidding around. This guy will soon be in diapers, if not already, and he still kicks ass! Although, we couldn't help contain our laughter over his stage antics, his signature moves. He rules! :p

The man kicks MAJOR ass and never a nicer, gentler soul you'll meet off stage. Truely, a rocker who's got his shit together. Check out the middle of the photo gallery on his new DVD. I'm the guy in about six pictures in the Killing Faith T-Shirt! :grin:
alanbirdsell said:
The man kicks MAJOR ass and never a nicer, gentler soul you'll meet off stage. Truely, a rocker who's got his shit together. Check out the middle of the photo gallery on his new DVD. I'm the guy in about six pictures in the Killing Faith T-Shirt! :grin:

Dio is a true professional. NO other vocalists/songwriters will EVER be able to reach the level of accomplishments that Dio, Dickinson, and Rob Halford have made to the metal/rock n' roll world! All 3 are still going strong. NO ONE has even come close to their talent and professionalism. Their music has gone underground but it's still the BEST!
drumslut said:
Dio is a true professional. NO other vocalists/songwriters will EVER be able to reach the level of accomplishments that Dio, Dickinson, and Rob Halford have made to the metal/rock n' roll world! All 3 are still going strong. NO ONE has even come close to their talent and professionalism. Their music has gone underground but it's still the BEST!

Amen to that DrumSlut... you know you're music! Even the mighty Robert Plant lost his pipes along time ago.

Geoff Tate & James LaBrie are in that Top Ten somewhere I imagine.