Screaming -CoB/InFlames


Jul 21, 2003
Oulu, Finland
How the hell do i scream like Alexi and Anders.

I dont smoke or drink and i do not enjoy assrape.

I have a great cannibal corpse low end but no high end growl/scream...

anyone got any tips for getting a sound like that...

Another scream i like is SHagrath, ENthrone darkness triumphant era.

Thanks guys.
Either you can sound like them or you cant. :yell: I can growl like cannible and hit the highs like any powermetal singers :yell: . but sounding like alexi is impossible for me. oh well, I can still light that shit up :rock:
first, use the top of yoru throat instead of that part waaaaaaaay back used for connibal growling. add accent if your want too, some songs their their accents come through a lot. then while doing that, also try just spitting out the vocals as wet as you can. anders does this a lot in Cloud COnnected. (what?!?! i like it) like a pitewey in your vocals.