The Guide To All Ranges Of Screaming

This is actually really helpful! Thanks! Cause I can do the low growling type of screaming, I just have trouble keeping it up for a long time..and I'm afraid I end up doing something bad to my throat. And I'm moving on to black metal vocals which I'm finding is a bit trickier...
Eventually I'm going to be doing back-up screaming vocals for my band so I really needed this!;)
I can now do the basic low death growl, but I'd also like to be able to do those high, black metal type screams.

The threadstarter says to "use your throat and make a loud noise", but that isn't really very helpful.

Does anybody have some real techniques for getting the black metal type vocals?
Ok, update on my vocals. Earlier in this thread I said I could only do low growls, I still do those deep lows, but I've also learned to do agressive lows where I kinda sound like Lord Worm from Cryptopsy and also high pitched growls fit for blackened death metal and just all out throat screams that sound like black metal screams. What I'd like to now is learn to do a black metal rasp that isn't quite a scream, like Satyr does from Satyricon. How can I do one like him?
And also even when I scream it doesn't hurt me, I've yet to feel pain doing any harsh vocals.
thanks for the feedback. I didn't know synths were used so heavily today.


Yes, Opeth uses the same kind of growl as those bands.
The Agony Scene uses throat, as well as The Bled, Arch Enemy, Bleeding Through, From Autumn To Ashes, and Lamb Of God.
Underoath, The Used, Senses Fail, and the Blood Brothers use no throat.

I bet you cant growl like Aeternus :lol:
This thread was inrcredibly helpful.. Does anyone have advice for chicks, though? I can growl, only from the throat though.. I can't really figure out how to go deeper, like a gutteral growl.. I know girls who can though, so I know it's possible. My "practice" band is Arch Enemy, more than anything, and I can almost match Angela.. but I'm just not satisfied.. I guess no chick will ever be able to grunt like Mikael Akerfeldt though, eh? On the other hand, being able to grown isn't a necessity, so I don't get to practice as often as I'd like. Mostly I get up and do guest vocals for local bands.. but like I said, I'm not satisfied.. Any advice at all would be GREATLY appreciated.
I have been trying to do Chuck Schul. type vocals, but when I play with my band we can never hear the vocals. Am I supposed to be really loud? I can do it at about talking volume, maybe a little louder. I want to try to get it louder, but if its not necessary and its just a problem with our PA, I would like to know. Anyone else have this problem?
just get melissa cross' dvds the Zen of Screaming 1 and 2
go to and check her out she will teach you allthe technics to achive what you are looking for without hurting yourself. Its what I use, I use to blow my voice half way through a set becuase i was basically just screaming I learned her technics and I can scream low i can scream high all day long without injury. Check her out.
im not a screamer however i can... but i dont think you can learn how to scream from watching people or reading it on a forum board... this may give ideas... but i wouldn't depend only on the information listed here... rather i think (its only my opinion so judge it how you will) you should learn how to do these screams by listening to bands that use them and trying to recreate them.. use your ear.
I find it impossible for me to scream while exhaling with any good results... so I just stick to my inhaling death metal grunt/ pterodactyl high screech

When I first started screaming like that, I could only do it for a few seconds before I started coughing, now I could go all day with little to no irritation at the end.

I found my "technique", and it works and it doesnt hurt at all.

so I kick the donkey... do you? :rock:
Watch the Zen of Screaming by Melissa Cross.

I mean hell, it's NOT supposed to hurt to growl.

yeah this is what ive come across A LOT

so i need advice on my growls

i don't sing normally, i use to, and i noticed i could sing for maybe 10 seconds longer before it hurt after i had been singing daily for 2-3 weeks, normally, as in now, i can only growl for about 5-6 seconds before i start to feel what tastes like a penny in the back of my throat

i sing using my diaphragm, very much so, to put it in the words my friend used 'it feels like im constipated' when i growl, that's helped a little bit

but im still lookin for the growl that DOESNT hurt, i know a couple guys who have never sung, but can growl without pain

is there like a muscle i must not be using? any advice?
learn the Inhale technic I just taught myself how to do it yesterday adn its the easist scream Ive ever done althoug its like completly death metal sounding as in noone would be able to understand a fuckin word I say, Thats why Im going to use both exhale for basically everything Inhale to sustain longer drawn out screams because I can sustain for a really long time inhaling with little to no effort at all I just have to learn to transition from exhale to inhale and back again, that is going to be the tricky part.
hello everyone,i,m doing vocals in a band and growling is the easiest thing in the world,well for me,my problem is trying to get a mid to hi range power scream,like bleeding through do,also whats this story of screaming at voice level,how can u scream without raising the decibels?
For the past six months ive been screaming. But i never looked up proper methods. I used to be able to scream really great, like Soilwork. But now, after six months, i cant anymore. The texture changes during the scream. It jumps up and down.. Also, i used to be able to sing pretty good. Now my voice cracks like hell. And, i get extreme split second headaches once i scream for about 8 seconds straight. what am i doing wrong? I did something wrong.. How long until it heals? and once it heals where do i start? (Im aiming for As I Lay Dying scream)
Ok, i want to learn to scream too. I follow every step, but all i get is either a weak wheezing sound, or some mouse-like squeeking. What am i doing wrong?

i want to learn to scream like Jamie Hooper from 3 Inches Of Blood. Is there anything he's doing different that gives him that more rough sound?