Screw the haters..........


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
The Sword are a great band.
I am not sure what all the hatred is about.

Is it because their members are not from the metal scene initially?

Regardless, I hear some kick ass Sabbath worship, which I am digging big time.
Hey there, i'm new and i agree that the band are awesome, do people hate on greg howe because he went from shred to fusion.... nope

so this band shouldnt be treated differently either
I like their new album as well.
ppl dislike them...because of...the vocals or maybe they are unoriginal i guess. But like you said, screw the haters :D
I enjoy The Sword and have age of winters and have been meaning to pick up their new one.

Is it because their members are not from the metal scene initially?

Who gives a shit rly and who cares about being metal. I don't.

music is music
Yesterday I found out that the drummer of Drudkh and Astrofaes enjoys HIM and Avril Lavigne...
So yeah, whatever.
I don't see why it matters what people listen to, outside of metal. The first couple HIM cds I actually enjoy, especially "Razorblade Romance" - and that's when they sounded most wimpiest.
I own Dark Light and Venus Doom enjoying both. Ville Valo is a great singer and he's backed by great musicians who write great songs and could careless if people involved in metal disagree.
I own Dark Light and Venus Doom enjoying both. Ville Valo is a great singer and he's backed by great musicians who write great songs and could careless if people involved in metal disagree.

They're a very cool band, but they're not metal. They play heavy gothic pop-rock.

You should check out the album Love Metal. It's my favorite by them.