Scuzz, New Skids on the Block

JasonR said:
...great video & my wife is starting a Sean fanclub :D (well for your long hair anyway).
Beats watching the same nu metal dross on the Kerrap! channel

Hey Jason, what great taste your wife has got mate :p but you probably think that anyway i guess lol :Smug:
We'll be shooting a more up budget video this year all being well and hopefully will hit the airwaves again .... :headbang:
haha just watched the vid last night on the Bloodstock DVD (I'll admit I never bothered watching it before cus it looked a bit shite) but it went down a treat. Afterwards Jim 'borrowed' it and headed off to his room... from the big smile on his face during the Invey clip we all know what for....
Yeah minimal budget but hey the song is what it's about :Smug:, it's done it's job lol and the next one will be a more "epic" lol... with drunk girls falling over and pole dancing *ahem* ;)
jesus... I'll endeavour not to be quite so drunk next monday.
You can have a quest for just about anything, I'm sure we can think of one relevant to the song...