My prodction on SCUZZ and MTV (First time posting)


New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2009
Hey guys just wondering what you all think of this production, its being aired on scuzz and mtv at the moment.

Dont know how or why, but the director of the video rendered this track in mono for the video, doucher i know, it squeezed the vocals and and made them apear a lot louder than they should be.

Any way, tell us what you think:)

Go to their page to get a better idea of the track (stereo)

Damn, forgot to mention the vocals sound like they were recorded in a church, probably cause they could have been, they originaly recorded them with me, but the singer decided he didnt like his takes so they re did them themselves, dont know were but man it was a bitch so recover.
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i too feel the snare is a little loud in the mix but!!! the rest is awesome dude !
nice one :)
Dont know wether it is the mono that has pushed the snare through also, eveything which is in the middle of the mix seems to have been boosted, damn directors!
Thanks for your comments so far though guys, really encourgeing me to make future posts:)
Sorry dude, but I'm not sure if you're joking or not. You do realize how much of the music that is made even today is actually frequently heard in mono? Of course it isn't how it's intended to be listened to, but saying it's not worth listening seems a bit upside down to me.

almost all of the entertainment and media that i experience is either in stereo or surround sound

music video in mono? try 1993

not 2010
Sounds great man! I would honestly be fine listening to that kind of production in mono.
I'm also curious as to where we hear mono music. Maybe in elevators? I can't think of any real world examples, other than when someone makes the error of rendering music to mono for a music video as has been done here.
Dude...he seriously rendered that in mono and noone chopped his fingers off or something..?

I would be ___SO___ fucking pissed
I love that snare. Jesus.

But just curious..
I was listening to the other song on the myspace, and there is a definite difference between the 2 productions. Did you do both?

If so, the snare in the second song sounds a little fatiguing. It's like the same sample everytime. (Same hit velocity)

Did you use dynamic sampling?

Just curious, but it's a great production!
Just something I noticed. :kickass::kickass::kickass: