Scythes of Bodom peeps?


Metal Meets 7 Sisters
Nov 16, 2004
Hey! I finally remembered through the insanity of college froshness that there were people from SOB on Ultimate Metal. Drop me one likes metal around's out of hand, and I'm in withdrawal. o_O Just can't handle it. Did anyone catch the Bodom show in Philly? How was it? I wanted to go but had no one to go with.
Yo d00dz3nhaus3ns, what's the dilly yo?

Err.. seriously, they used to post here, I believe it was Zarok and loWildChild who did the site, PM them or see if they have a mailadress in their profile, I cant be arsed looking
c666 said:
Hey! I finally remembered through the insanity of college froshness that there were people from SOB on Ultimate Metal. Drop me one likes metal around's out of hand, and I'm in withdrawal. o_O Just can't handle it. Did anyone catch the Bodom show in Philly? How was it? I wanted to go but had no one to go with.

HEY C666!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! back on Scythes i was i'm HalfpintHenkka...haven't seen you in a while!! msg me soon!
Oh I have your MSN on my MSN thingy...or whatever...yeah, but mine's different school address, so just be on for an extended amount of time so I can send you a message, or I'll PM you mine. And yeah, I still say peeps, LOL. I quite freely admit that I am a huge dork. :D Anyway, yeah, anyone know what exactly is up with SOB? I so very much miss it. Anyhoo, off to dive into lovely studying and homework..wish I had been able to bring my bass with me still...blah.