Fredy_Brown said:And that point about stupid comments: If someone doesn´t share you statement, his comments are stupid? How narrow.
You're are entitled to have any opinion you want. I never defied you this privilege. What I am saying is that your comment that people who wear band shirts 'Have no taste' is a ridiculous, narrow, subjective, INSULTING and, therefore, stupid statement that you can't possibly back up with any evidence. Go on, i dare you to PROVE that I, or anybody else, has NO TASTE simply because they like to wear band shirts.
Your opinion should probably have been worded as something like..."I don't particularly like band shirts because *blah blah blah reasons*, therefore I do not wear them." This is your viewpoint. When you start generalising about other people and THEIR tastes, that can become insulting.
Fredy_Brown said:I wear different clothes and I change my wardrobe once a 3 months.
Well good for you. Maybe you can AFFORD to buy a completely new range of clothes every three months, it must be nice for you. I don't change my wardrobe, I merely add to it.
I too wear different clothes, ranging from plain tshirts and football shirts to collared shirts (of different materials) and, yes, even designer clothes (SHOCK!
Fredy_Brown said:The only differences are in images (that are pretty kitsch most time. All t-shirts look same, except the image, all longsleeves look same except the image etc, this is no variety.
I think you'll find that a lot of tshirts look the same, that's why they're all called tshirts. Oh, i know you can get some with round necks, some with V necks, some in day-glow colours and some even your point is? I have about 15 different bands shirts. Do you know why? It's simply because they're comfy and I like the image, or phrase, or whatever, of the shirt...
Let me ask, seeing as all band shirts are the same, have you ever seen the Iron Maiden football shirts? How are they similar to the Metallica football shirt? (I have both and they are both very different designs, materials and images) How are either of these shirts similar to the Slayer baseball shirt? My point is that the variety is there if you look for it.
Oh, and of course the materials are fairly's MERCHANDISE, not high fashion!!! There's no way that Naomi Campbell is going to be walking the catwalk in a Bodom shirt because it's 'chic', now is she.
So let's face it, people who like to wear band shirts do it because they want to, because they feel comfortable in those clothes, because they (and I know you may find this hard to believe) LIKE those clothes. Oh, one more reason that people buy band shirts: memories. They go to a concert and buy a souvenir band shirt to remember it by. I don't think fashion taste really comes into it that much, do you? Well, apart from choosing which design you like best.
You and your constantly changing repertoire *perhaps* shows that you are not really comfortable with yourself and, therefore shouldn't be making crass remarks about other people's tastes OR maybe it's simply because YOU like to wear completely different clothes at regular intervals... These are just two very different ways of looking at your lifestyle from the snippet of information that you've given me.
Buying a whole new wardrobe every three months would be considered by many to be very stupid but, as i've been trying to say, it's YOUR decision about what you wear. I'm not actually going to sit here and insult you and everyone who does the same as you, by generalising about people about whom I know nothing because that, to me, is just idiotic.
Fredy_Brown said:metalheads often rant about music taste, but their other tastes are strongly limited.
I think that's true for the Kerrang! kids and their lifestyles which are dictated to them by Kerrang!, Metal Hammer and other trash magazines. However, for the majority of 'all-growed-up' metalheads then, yes, we have strongly defined musical tastes (I am a self-confessed musical bigot...I like what I like so why should I change?

Usually, from my experience with people i've met, metalheads, and people in general, tend to wear whatever they feel comfortable in...the majority of which have actually preferred wearing sports shirts to band shirts most of the time. Metalheads can be narrow-minded but hell, we're only human!
Like I said, your opinion is of no concern to me, it was merely the way you phrased it that annoyed me a little and believe me when i say that i'm not losing sleep over it.
Sorry if this is a rambling, bloated's getting late and i'm waiting for the Superbowl coverage to start....