SD JB pickup


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
So I managed to score a free JB off a friend :Smokin: It's from a guitar which he purchased second hand. The guitar came with EMG 85s fitted to it as well as the original JB from the bridge.

The pickup has a tag on it saying TB4. I always thought that the SH4 was for bridge and TB4 was for neck position?

They are both listed on the seymour duncan website but it does not say why they are listed differently or what their application is.

Is there a difference in sound/ wiring or do I just have the SH4/ TB4 thing the wrong way around?
I think that'll work just about fine... the strings are still right within in the magnetic field. (maybe if it was the other way round, SH4 on floyded guitar, you might have the outer strings somewhat quieter).

Try it out, if it sounds good, then all is good.

I also believe there once was a string-thru Jackson production model that had a TB4 in the bridge.

EDIT: Now I remember, the stock pickup on my string-thru KVX10 was floyd spaced - it was the Duncan Designed version of the TB6 Distortion, and there was no normal spaced version of this pickup.
I swapped that one out with a real SD Distortion (SH6), which obviously sounded better... clearer, more punch. But I somehow doubt that the string spacing had much to do with that. ;)