Sea Of Lies middle solo take

it's good man...
I have been working on making some of my guitar lessons interactive with flash, so I've been recording videos of my playing. And I was trying to use the Dressed to Kill (bach section) for an example of alternate picking/string skipping technique, man I couldn't do it at the tempo, at least not clean at all. That is hard, hard shit. Well, I should go practice it some more! Twisted Fingers!

Anyone drinking yet? I gotta go workout, so I'll be back later.
Yeah, sometimes SymX songs just get to you. Damnation Game is a bitch, and don't get me started on that intro solo to Divine Wings of Tragedy. Romeo always has to make his solos too hard to play! :yell:
tony bologna : i used cool edit to mix a midi backing with my guitar which goes through a j-station directly to the line-in, hehe i cant play all of the solos yet the one before this has some hard licks
Sympozium : i've been playing for almost 2 years
Brilliant stuff. :)
What's your weapon of choice?

Reminds me, I just have to announce that 3 weeks ago i fulfilled my childhood dream and bought a genuine kick-ass US Fender Stratocaster. Deluxe model! ;)

Shredability on the Strat is right up there with my other guitar which is a Heartfield Talon but I'm not really thrilled with the Strat's Humbucker. It's a Seymour Duncan Clone so I wasn't really surprised. I think I'll have to whack a DiMarzio in there.
MorphineChild205 said:
Hell yeah! I can only get it about 75% of that speed, and about 0% clean!
i cant do the part before it. (havnt tried)
on the tapping sequence, im at prolly 25% that speed and -25% clean.