your fav Symphony X solo

Demonspell: Couldn't agree more about your choices for best KB work! Awakenings has so much variety and Orion has like the best duel KB/GTR duel in all of Sx's library!

Aviso: I think that the overall quality of every new Sx album is the best they've done. I see this band as the bench mark for both progressive metal and neoclassical metal, so whenever they make a new album, they have just made the best progmetal album ever! I can't wait until Spring 05!!!
Favaroute guitar solos.

Accolade 2

The Odyssey-Champion of Ithaca

Too be honest, im having problems thinking of any, the perfect excuse to listen to all the Symphony X cd's again i think :)
sweepking said:
...I need Frontiers so sounds like it such a great song. Please SyX, release for us with the new cd.
I can understand your desire to hear it, as I was just like you before I had. It's a cool song but there is a reason it wasn't released as a standard track on any SyX album. It's because it's not a GREAT song. It's a little more RADIO FRIENDLY (to borrow a term from someone on this board) than the rest of their songs and to me it's kind of jumbled. What I mean is that it sounds a little confused in regard to it's mood, going from upbeat to somber and back without a real flow. Don't get me wrong, I like the song (especially Romeo's solo) but it's not a great song by any means and I'm sure the guys in the band realized that which led them not to include it on any album (except as a bonus track).

And before anyone flames me because Frontiers is their favorite SyX song, just remember that this is only my opinion.
Guitar - Communion And The Oracle Solos,end of Masquerade :hotjump:
Keyboards Solo - Inferno (Unleash The Fire) :loco:
Bass - The Edge Of Forever and Egypt (live) :rock:
Drums - Death Of Balance,Dressed To Kill :dopey:
Guitar/Keys - Of Sins And Shadows :worship:
I know it's not in a Smphony X album, but that solo from MR in Down of A Million Souls ( Ayeron ) really kicked ass. And as always, RA's vocals are amazing as ever.

Anyway, as for a SX album solo....I'd have to go and's to hard, I'll go and say DWOT -> Sea of Lies :worship:
i like these threads where everyone ignores everyone elses post, post what they think, and then forget about the thread until it goes away, only to have the exact same one pop a month later
Really? OK... whatever. Now what about your favorite solo? Whatsamatter, don't like ignoring everyone and just posting what you think and leaving? Yeah usually people forget about the thread until it goes away only to have this exact crappy topic make a return some time later.

BTW: I just discovered Iced Earth. Nice band!