Sean's voice

Don dokken

Miles demands a Hobgoblin
Aug 21, 2006
Sean, I've had someone mention recently that your vocals sound like Wierd Al Yankovich, have you ever had anyone say that to you before? :p
Your reputation obviously precedes you. Just be thankful they didn't include an adjective.

And this seems like a good thread to inform the fine folk who follow this forum, that not only is it our little Muppet's birthday today, but it's a special one with a zero on the end. Yep, Neil is 10 today, plus a few more... Happy Birthday you old git. Glad you enjoyed the party!!!!!
Ha Ha, Happy birthday, you have beaten me to it by 21 day's!! Have a good one and don't get too drunk:confused: :lol:
Errr... yes, well... I was doing a great job of keeping that quiet until certain folk let on about my birthday. For everyone's info, Triskele's house was turned into a warzone thanks to my 'surprise party', and certain attendees didn't quite make it through all of the festivities, but much fun was had by those who did. (Mainly by laughing at those who didn't...)

Thanks to you all for your messages. I'm now off to see my therapist to help me come to terms with perhaps actually moving into adulthood and stop behaving like a child. But I'll probably just end up pouring my baby food all over him as per usual...