Search for a band...


New Metal Member
Dec 11, 2018

I'm searching for a band. I know the title of the song I used to listen a lot appr 12 years ago. Titel is "Viper". Can't find it on Spotify or google. The style is kind of "Lamb of God" but a bit harder and faster. As far as I remember it started with double kick and quit heavy guitar like this:
DdlddlDdlddlDdlddlDdlddlDiii DdlddlDdlddlDiii (Maybe this helps someone :tickled: )

I appreciate every hint.
Thank you all
maybe this one?

groove metal you say? Well for that we would need to summon our gatekeeper @Ozzman

Not groove, but I came across this ...

pretty solid thrash right here thought. Might have to find this album.

Unfortunately not the one. But thank you. Since friday i can't stop searching for it.