Is Nevermore a christian band?

Just so you possibly can't get the wrong idea, NO. I don't think a christian band would write lyrics like in Create The Infinite...although, I read an interview where Warren said something along something happening to the energy in a human's body after death and therefore there being some sort of an afterlife...which would reflect The Sorrowed Man's lyrics a bit I guess. So maybe he believes in afterlife, but I don't think he's (they are) a very religious person...
Warrel himself said in the IRC chat that he is agnostic, he also said that the perfect stance on religion is to worship whatever you want just DO NOT become fanatical and shove your religion down people's throats.

Hope that helps metalive.
If Nevermore was a christian band and trying to "spread the word" I wouldn't give them the time of day. Actually I find the whole concept of "christian metal" appalling. But that's just me.

@TheFourthHorseman: I would've expected better from one of my countrymen. The letters 'L' and 'N' are not that close in a qwerty-keyboard so I will rule out a pure typo. :D
GroundXero3k said:
Warrel himself said in the IRC chat that he is agnostic, he also said that the perfect stance on religion is to worship whatever you want just DO NOT become fanatical and shove your religion down people's throats.

Hope that helps metalive.

i agree....
Hah sorry *Warrel*

I'm such a spelling whore myself...weird I didn't notice it. I guess it's more or less a short circuit in the brain department rather than a typo. ;)

Btw some_dude, I don't think the line in Godmoney really says anything about Warrel's beliefs, just his dislike for religion. But as pointed out, he's not much of a believer obviously.

The lyrics on The Sorrowed Man are beautiful, though...