Search for Musicians


Feb 23, 2006
The Hague - Netherlands
Hello guitarists , keyboard players , drummers, bassplayers and other forms of noiseproducers :p
first of all- I hope that Katatonia doesn't mind me using their forum as a platform to seek for musicians...
It's all in Katatonia spirit!:Saint:

I'm a female singer and I would love to make some beautiful music.
I want to create something new but to give some references as to what I like , well for sure Katatonia :) and also Anathema, Red House Painters, Antimatter , Klimt 1918, The Gathering ,Tool...
These bands don't necissarily represent exactly what I want to do but they do stand for the same sort of spirit and feelings I would like to put into music.
As I don't play any instruments myself it's very hard to create songs.
I do have the ability however to come up with vocal lines and lyrics in a second if I hear a beautiful melody.

I know that people on this forum are from all over the world and working together would be really difficult, but ... not imposible..
I thought that it could be a fun project to see what we could create together
thousands of miles apart.

Now all u pessimists can burn down my idea :p
and all u optimists please contact me if u would like to do something of this nature:)
I am open for a lot of influences and I am hoping for a nice creative coöperation.
Awww for FUCK'S SAKE!
You are exactly what we've been looking for the last 2 years...

We make melancholic metal inspired mainly by Katatonia, Anathema, Tool and The Gathering. It's unbelievable you named exactly those bands.
Now, the reason why I'm mad is that you live a bit far and no one in this region shares the same interests it seems :)

We've got 65 minutes of music right now, we really need to record our demo.

But... If you're by any chance interested in doing guest vocals that would be one step in the good direction... Cos with a demo/album we might be able to find a permanent singer a bit easier.

Well, it seems like you wanna do a project through the internet, but we're an already existing band of course...
Cerulean said:
Awww for FUCK'S SAKE!
You are exactly what we've been looking for the last 2 years...

We make melancholic metal inspired mainly by Katatonia, Anathema, Tool and The Gathering. It's unbelievable you named exactly those bands.
Now, the reason why I'm mad is that you live a bit far and no one in this region shares the same interests it seems :)

We've got 65 minutes of music right now, we really need to record our demo.

But... If you're by any chance interested in doing guest vocals that would be one step in the good direction... Cos with a demo/album we might be able to find a permanent singer a bit easier.

Well, it seems like you wanna do a project through the internet, but we're an already existing band of course...

:D hehe ehm , well im not looking for anything in particulair and open for almost everything:) so yes i wouldnt mind working on your album as a guestsinger , mainly because it would do myself some good too ;)
then i would have some music to show to others.
And well belgium isnt that far away :p nothing like Chile or something haha.
So im curious for your music! Got a site ?
Or you can add my msn. its
I'm interested:p
I play drums, I practically live in Arnhem
I've been playing drums for about seven years now, I've been in a few bands (a rock/pop band that still exists, and a lot of metalbands/projects, but most of them didn't work out)
well, I'm planning on going to the "conservatorium" ("music-highschool")
My drumteacher thinks they would accept me, but I still need to know more about theory and stuff.
and btw, I play guitars too, but I've only been playing it for a year or so...
if you're interested, here's my msn :
ps: I like the bands you named:p
Nice to see that people are reacting :)
Jinn just send me your music if your finished with it.

Im trying to record something of myself so I can post that here , but I only have a pc-microphone so I'm gonna have to ask some friends.
And I'm wondering what kind of programm I should buy or download for these kind of things.
I am a total fool concerning computers and stuff so help me please :erk:
Juniper said:
Nice to see that people are reacting :)
Jinn just send me your music if your finished with it.

Im trying to record something of myself so I can post that here , but I only have a pc-microphone so I'm gonna have to ask some friends.
And I'm wondering what kind of programm I should buy or download for these kind of things.
I am a total fool concerning computers and stuff so help me please :erk:

I'll give you some help with the programs on msn, it ain't all that hard.