metal and musicians


Jan 14, 2002
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I noticed that the majority of the people who listen to this kind of music are also musicians themselves, at least they play an instrument too.
I play the piano and guitar and when I listen to such music i really feel the urge to play it back myself.
How many of you have a band or play an instrument?
If you do, have you been influenced by Katatonia' s music?
I play some covers, but I noticed that everytime i try to write down a riff it really sounds like Katatonia...Well I think it's so difficult to create a personal style and I admire so much people who can create music.
Anders, you are really a genius!
Originally posted by Brutalizer
I play the guitar, but i can't say i have been influenced by Katatonia's music.

I'm a little confused why you are posting on the Katatonia forum. I've seen a couple posts from you recently where you have basically said you are not a fan of Katatonia. If you are not a fan of the band, then I'm confused as to why you visit these forums? This forum was created for fans of the band..
I play guitar, formerly of the classical variety, now of the metal variety :grin:

Kataonia have had an effect on my song writing, but it's more of a culmination of styles. I'd say I sound like a mix of My Dying Bride, Katatonia, In The Woods..., and Opeth. The 4 bands use independant guitar parts (well, Kat did on BMD), which I use extensively- I love that whole 'our guitarists are playing completely different things but they sound cool together' type thing. And I'm very progressive, which is where the Opeth and In The Woods... influences come in, more so the latter really. I very much go for a stream of conciousness type approach, like ITW use at times.

Oh, and I'm totally doom................ ;)
I play drums in a grind band so I wouldn't say we are influenced by Katatonia.

But I am about to start a band with me on guitar and the music I have been writting I WOULD say is influenced by them with a mix of My Dying Bride, Opeth and a dash of At the Gates style melodic metal.
i play guitar, though i really haven't tried writing my own stuff. from what i have written down though it sounds in a way like a mix of katatonia and opeth.
I didn't seriously get into Katatonia until a year or two ago, so I don't think they've influenced my music much yet. But some of my earlier stuff shares a lot of the same influences as Katatonia, so there's a connection there. And I do love to sing along when I'm listening, and get the urge to play along too (but the playing along I haven't really tried yet).
Originally posted by hornblow555
I am trying to pick up the guitar, how did you guys start playing? I'm trying to teach myself, but it seems rather futile, who among you guys are self-taught?

Get some lessons. Really. Even if it's just few, just so you know you're on the right track. I had about 10 years of classical lessons, and I can play anything on it. I've been playing electric guitar for 3 years, and even though I do have a fair idea what I'm doing, I'm still rather average.
Originally posted by hornblow555
I am trying to pick up the guitar, how did you guys start playing? I'm trying to teach myself, but it seems rather futile, who among you guys are self-taught?

I'm 98% self-taught. When I had played for a few years I tried taking some lessons to learn some solotecniques but I only had maybe 3 or 4 lessons before I went back to play by myself.
I did read some books on how to play and how to take care of my guitar. You can't do it all by yourself. You need to know some basic stuff to build on, either from reading a book or a theacher to get started.

And yes I have been influenced by Katatonia in my own music...
My dad showed me the basics (he's a mean arse bluesy player/singer) and I kind of went from there.

I had maybe 4 lessons in my life, but it was the Mary Had a little Lamb type shit so I left it.

I'm not very good to be honest, but I feel that if I played more I could be quite good. I've been playing on and off for about 8 or 9 years now. Maybe I'll play a bit more... I miss the guitar to be honest.

So basically, I think self-taught isn't such a bad method. At least you can do what you want! ;)
Originally posted by ether
I noticed that the majority of the people who listen to this kind of music are also musicians themselves, at least they play an instrument too.

Yeah, sometimes I think we play for each other!
I play drums in pop-rock band that is more influenced by RADIOHEAD and guitar and vocals in doom-metal band.
I play the drums and LOVE Katatonia, but not much of their drummer´s style can be found in me. Maybe here and there, but not much. I think he plays very well and helps create Katatonia´s style.