brothers & sisters

I have an older brother,soon to be 24. He is not interested in metal at all....maybe "detests" would replace "is not interested" better :grin: :p he listens to trendy stuff ;) and some pseudorock...and likes a very very very few stuff from metallica (yeah,unforgiven and such) which i don't know how often he listens,too...he used to like REM quite a lot as well...
well,somehow i'm glad he doesn't like metal/gothic etc cause he would "steal" my CDs (/me is a selfish asshole :muahaha: )
kisses brother :)
Have a younger brother (23), we're both into the same music (for one, we both love Katatonia), when I started listening to Metal some 12 years ago I kinda "pulled" him into it with me, hehe. Through him I also influenced a lot of his friend's musical tastes and if that didn't happen, he wouldn't be playing in the band he plays in now (DETONATION, check out the links in my signature).

There are of course bands that he's into and I'm not and vice versa, but when he visits me it usually ends up in a frantic music listening session, pulling out lots of CD's and listening to our favourite music until we drop... We luckily get along very well.
having brothers/sisters doesn't necessarily lead to feeling less lonely :cry:
well,this wasn't said in a mean way....rather to comfort you :)

when i was younger i had many times thought it would be cooler if i was an only child...these days i feel rather nice that i have a brother...especially when he comes home with his girlfriend and they ask me lovely things like "do you want ice-cream?","want to come with us for lunch" etc :D
of course there are days that he pisses me completely off as well :mad:
Originally posted by Melancholia
having brothers/sisters doesn't necessarily lead to feeling less lonely :cry:
well,this wasn't said in a mean way....rather to comfort you :)

when i was younger i had many times thought it would be cooler if i was an only child...these days i feel rather nice that i have a brother...especially when he comes home with his girlfriend and they ask me lovely things like "do you want ice-cream?","want to come with us for lunch" etc :D
of course there are days that he pisses me completely off as well :mad:

*hug* yeh i know, it would be nice to have someone like a bro or sis my age, to piss off lol..heheh..thanks again melancholia for the comfort :) its well appreciated.
Originally posted by Jonas Renkse
Yes, I have a brother. He is 4 years younger than me and his musical taste is defined mostly by reggae music. Sometimes he plays our records to his friends (and they say it sounds like Oasis) but apart from that he's is not very interested I think.

WOHOOOO JONAS FINALLY HERE. hope you pay visits more frequently, jonas.

well, i have a little sister -6 years old- and i can definitely say she'll be a true metalhead! :rock:
Nice question :) Never thought that Jonas and Anders had any bro or siztah - always imagined they were only children.

B.t.w., I've got a brother one year younger than me and he plays guitar very well. Now he lives with his girlfriend and doesn't come here so often anymore to play in the attic - and I've always been sooo lazy to learn and embrace guitar myself, shame on me :( - but in the past, when he was used to play with his friends, always asked me to join 'em for singing :rock: some songs of Metallica or Nirvana, that was that kind of stuff they played... He never put up a band anyway, that was a pity. He likes some same stuff o' mine, such as the old TiamaT from 'Wildhoney', Fear Factory's 'Demanufacture', Carcass 'Heartwork' and a few more, but he's not into metal at all. More stuff like Dire Straits or the Stones, Pink Floyd and Italian rock bands. And doesn't absolutely like moving for concerts or festival.
Have a younger brother (23), we're both into the same music (for one, we both love Katatonia), when I started listening to Metal some 12 years ago I kinda "pulled" him into it with me, hehe. Through him I also influenced a lot of his friend's musical tastes and if that didn't happen, he wouldn't be playing in the band he plays in now (DETONATION, check out the links in my signature).

There are of course bands that he's into and I'm not and vice versa, but when he visits me it usually ends up in a frantic music listening session, pulling out lots of CD's and listening to our favourite music until we drop... We luckily get along very well.
Well, this post is still valid, except that he's 29 meanwhile and lives together with his girlfriend and we don't have 'frantic music listening sessions' that often anymore ;)
I have a fraternal twin brother who has completely opposite taste in music and my sister is 6 years younger. I got her into some metal. We all get along great though