Searching for a VST stereo tool for Mac

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey all,

I'm searching for a VST plugin like this : Kelly Industries - Stereo Tools VST Plug-in for Steinberg Nuendo and Cubase SX

But for Mac. The reason is that I bought Cubase Studio 4 and didn't see that the panning tools were not available for it (not sure it's mentionned actually) so I need to be able to change the panning of the two channels of stereo files.

Any idea or suggestion ?


Just ctrl+click the panning fader in Studio 4 and you should get a selection of different panning options, including one that gives you two independant faders. I use this all the time to automate panning on stereo key tracks in Nuendo.
Thank you Maurizio, unfortunately it only works on Digital Performer since it's a MAS plugin :'(
Yeah Razorjack, I checked the comparison chart again and it doesn't say a word about that, nor the missing "Track List Splitter" that I used to love... Damn, I may have considered getting Cubase 4 directly instead...
I finally was advised this one on another forum: KVR: Smart Electronix DFX Monomaker
Not perfect or very convenient but does the trick...