Seattle headline show

haha, you will be... kinda. isn't that the same thing that was recorded (for the DVD) in Athens, among other things? damn, hours and hours of material...
Oh,man, awesome news! This is great. I just heard about this show/thread from ProgMaiden (thank you,Meg!!!). I can't wait for this show. I'll be there!! (Well, I hope. Something always happens to keep me from Nevermore shows).
I am more than willing to auction off couch space to the highest bidder. I have 2 spots!
I'm living in Las Vegas this year so I have to make it somehow.The problem is I'll probably go alone and I don't know nothing about Seattle.
blind_cynic said:
Imagine the huge fucking setlist.Pure orgasm.

They had a huge setlist at that Oregon show I went to back in November. Orgasm is the correct verbiage for this topic.