Seattle headline show

Shpongled said:
I am more than willing to auction off couch space to the highest bidder. I have 2 spots!
I am most important. You shall house me.... Please?
Will Bozarth said:
hey teredd, got any SK shirts? :tickled:

Nightshade...should we explain? :b

Will, I think you have a pic of the proper SK attire for young ladies. Ha!
Dead_Lioness said:
oooh... I want to go!
I might go.... I want to go... shall I go? I can go. hey, I want to go!

*spies a large outdoor fire in the distance and a rhythmic wave of voices swells*
Damn, great news for you guys that can make it.

I have already done my road trip for this year to the Jaxx show. Just can't swing this one. :ill:

Can't wait for the DVD. Next in Line would rule!
Jag Panzer has a gig the same night...Is Chris being cloned, or is Steve going to be able to pull off a gig?
eaeolian said:
As I already said, I'd love to, but I'm playing this festival in Minnesota that night...

Yes, its really not economically or physically feasable for me either, especially since I've been considering going to Minneapolis Mayhem with a few others as well.
zak1 said:
Jag Panzer has a gig the same night...Is Chris being cloned, or is Steve going to be able to pull off a gig?

I would guess that either Steve is going to try to play the show or they will play as a 4 peice again.