second day quick recap

No..not generic stuff but stuff with some cross over appeal. Stuff like Midnight, Acid Witch, Nunslaughter, Bones, Scythe and stuff. I know not many here like these bands but it would add an injection to the turnout. Even if it was just the second stage even. Just so there is a crowd on both stages.

This sounds like a great idea to me. I don't know why people are so resistant to it, especially if there are two stages. If you don't like the hard stuff you can watch another band instead.
As for my recap of the show... I spent most of the time by the second stage.

*Olorin were boring and unremarkable.
*Ancient Dreams were something of a positive surprise. Their first two songs were awful. When I heard them, I really thought they had no hope. So I was shocked that their two other songs were very good! And "Angel Witch" killed of course.
*Demon Bitch was the best band of the day for me. They have a very original sound and unpredictable songwriting. I hope they come back next year.
*Borrowed Time are good at what they do, but it's just too much of the same sort of stuff as everyone else. I enjoyed them but they're not a stand out band for me.
*Winterhawk were OK. Of the two soft bands at the festival, I greatly preferred Ashbury.
*Viking were boring as hell.
*Oz didn't do it for me. After hours and hours of heavy metal, they were a bit dull. It was nice to hear "Turn the Cross Upside Down" and "Fire in the Brain," though.
As for my recap of the show... I spent most of the time by the second stage.

*Olorin were boring and unremarkable.
*Ancient Dreams were something of a positive surprise. Their first two songs were awful. When I heard them, I really thought they had no hope. So I was shocked that their two other songs were very good! And "Angel Witch" killed of course.
*Demon Bitch was the best band of the day for me. They have a very original sound and unpredictable songwriting. I hope they come back next year.
*Borrowed Time are good at what they do, but it's just too much of the same sort of stuff as everyone else. I enjoyed them but they're not a stand out band for me.
*Winterhawk were OK. Of the two soft bands at the festival, I greatly preferred Ashbury.
*Viking were boring as hell.
*Oz didn't do it for me. After hours and hours of heavy metal, they were a bit dull. It was nice to hear "Turn the Cross Upside Down" and "Fire in the Brain," though.

I hope Demon Bitch catch some attention as well from thier show.

that is a funny review of the Ancient Dreams set.
I didn't care to see Viking or whoever was on second stage at that time so I went back to the hotel to drop of my shit (figuratively and literally) so I was nice and refreshed for Oz. :)

I don't like the idea of adding extreme bands at all. I would rather have to make tough decisions and miss out on bands like Winterhawk and Lords Of The Trident because a band I'd rather see is playing main stage then have a choice between a band that someone decided was a big draw for the traditional crowd (but might not be for me) and a band I can't stand.
Odin is waiting for you check for them still. I kid I kid. They were a good booking but not a draw and people really didnt seem to watch to watch them. Then again there were a few bands like this.

Trust me! You know I tried to generate some sponsorship for them.
The reality was that it was so close to the festival time.
If it were a few months prior, some $$$ could have been raised.
*Ancient Dreams were something of a positive surprise. Their first two songs were awful. When I heard them, I really thought they had no hope. So I was shocked that their two other songs were very good! And "Angel Witch" killed of course.

You MUST write our press releases!!!!
All kidding aside, I appreciate your honesty. I truly do.

I am glad you liked the live set.
DMR - Fuck Off! (LOL kidding) What is so boring and unremarkable about Olórin? Was it the music itself or the stage presence and overall atmosphere? I'm of a school of thought where the music should speak for itself, which is why I don't do or say much to the audience. I like to sit back and let the music do the work rather than be like all rockstar and be like "How's everyone doing tonight?" I saw Nile play once in Chicago, and I swear Dallas kept saying stupid shit like that after every song and it was getting real annoying.

I got fucking trashed Saturday, so I don't really remember much. All the bands that I saw were great though, especially Borrowed Time, Oz, and Gates of Slumber.