Second Round Pool B: Best Two

Second Round Pool B: Best Two

  • Forest Of October - The Night And The Silent Water

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Forest Of October - Demon Of The Fall

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Forest Of October - Bleak

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Night And The Silent Water - Godhead's Lament

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Mar 3, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Okay, the first round is over. The quantity of songs have been reduced to 24.
Next is the second pool of 6 songs which survived the first round. Which pair of songs do you prefer on POOL B.
Remember to vote with the buttons. Comments are funny (not always) but I count only the votes on the poll.
After the second round, we will be down to 12 songs.

01) Forest Of October - The Night And The Silent Water
02) Forest Of October - Demon Of The Fall
03) Forest Of October - The Moor
04) Forest Of October - Godhead's Lament
05) Forest Of October - Bleak
06) The Night And The Silent Water - Demon Of The Fall
07) The Night And The Silent Water - The Moor
08) The Night And The Silent Water - Godhead's Lament
09) The Night And The Silent Water - Bleak
10) Demon Of The Fall - The Moor
11) Demon Of The Fall - Godhead's Lament
12) Demon Of The Fall - Bleak
13) The Moor - Godhead's Lament
14) The Moor - Bleak
15) Godhead's Lament - Bleak
Demon of the Fall and Bleak.

What's REALLY interesting is how thematically similar the two songs are. In fact, you could even play Bleak right before Demon of the Fall and it would fit right into the MAYH concept--right down to the perfect melding of the outro of Bleak and intro of Demon. I don't care if this isn't intentional. It's cool nonetheless.
Hey Guys,

Round 2 is going slowly but surely. Preliminary results shows that the songs from ORCHID and MORNINGRISE are taking quite a beating (giving a good reason to Mike not to play them) and probably won't survive till next round :erk:
However, songs from STILL LIFE are definitively stealing the show as far as heading into the next round at this point :worship:
Songs from MY ARMS YOUR HEARSE, BLACKWATER PARK AND DELIVERANCE are doing well as expected :grin:
And DAMNATION, well, it did not even made it to this round :blush:

This being said, PLEASE USE THE VOTING BUTTONS for your votes since those are the one I will use to determine the songs making it to the third round. I'm not counting the "write in votes". You have until Tuesday, September 14th at 9h00pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time to submit your votes. Afterwards, were going into Round 3 with the top 12 songs.

Cheers! :kickass:
Hey Guys,

Last call for Second Round Pools A, B, C and D. The deadline is tonight at 9h00pm Eastern Daylight Saving Time. Afterwards, were going into Third Round with your top 12 songs. So if you want your songs to move on, vote, vote, vote ! (with the voting buttons)

Cheers ! :kickass: