
I've been getting more and more into electronic music as of late. I don't know much of dubstep, but I really liked it. I'm more into hardstyle and trance, but that was definitely ear candy at it's max. :p
OH! MY! GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS EPIC!!!!!!! Yo, Val, I am helping some of my freinds film a movie, and we need music (Your song is PERFECT!) Would you be nice and not sue us if we use it? I will be buying your album (If it EVER come out :) ), so there's payment. :p
It's really good mate! Good to see another metal musician who is a fan of electronic music! You have a lot of talent, keep it up!
Just credit it properly and I have problem w it!

I believe you mean 'just credit it properly and I don't have a problem with it! Lol! Anyway, Thanks man! You rock!. :wave:

Oh, and to you and all other Theocracy members, if your new stuff is as good as your old and newer stuff, that you guys have my vote for all time best band! :) YOU GUYS MAKE ME :yow: :OMG: :D :worship:
Awesome stuff Val. Is there an option to download it? I'm not seeing it anywhere on the page.