See a pattern forming?


Headless Henchman
Jun 21, 2002
Honestly, what percentage of heated discussions/arguments on here are about the nature of orginality... its like that the big gimmick for Opeth fans as a whole, even though they arn't that original. If some half brain comes on here with something along the lines of "Opeth are gay, why dont you poofter listen to something brutal, like devourment or disgorge!!!" the first equally stupid reply is "Fuck off!!!!! Opeth are original as!!!!"
I've noticed the people who post on the more deep discussions on here are the people who dont even bother with those such threads.
Can't it just be that they're a good band at this time?
(Its another one!!!!! A pointless thread but hey, who cares really when it comes down to it)
Opeth are my favorite band - period.

They present to my ears music that no other band can equal. I'm not talking about technical ability, or lyrics, or songwriting individually - I'm talking about the complete package they bring to the table. My ears tell me there is no other band in metal (or anywhere else for that matter) that brings such an array of emotion, and such a catalog of excellent music as Opeth does.
they're my favorite band, and i get extremely excited when they put a new album out
but i promise i have never blown a load while listening to their music
maybe i've jacked off while listening to the x rated solo in benighted, but that's the extent
but i do love them, and they're special to me.
nemesis_outlawed said:
What the hell are you talking about? :confused:
He's talking about the pointlessness of threads that discuss how original Opeth are, especially involving people who insult one another based on their personal opinions. I can't say I disagree with him about the merits of those threads either, but I'm personally of the opinion that they ARE original.
yeh, i love opeth. theyve been my favourite band for ages now, and will probably remain at that spot for years to come, as long as mikaels creative juices dont run out :p

as for people posting and saying they are gay or whatever, as far as im concerned, its just an opinion, and its just as bad as people making a topic to say 'opeth rulez' or whatever. they are just both sides of an argument, just as bad as each other, so i keep out.

usually :p
metalmancpa said:
Opeth are my favorite band - period.

They present to my ears music that no other band can equal. I'm not talking about technical ability, or lyrics, or songwriting individually - I'm talking about the complete package they bring to the table. My ears tell me there is no other band in metal (or anywhere else for that matter) that brings such an array of emotion, and such a catalog of excellent music as Opeth does.

Right on, dude.:headbang:
Exactly. doubt.
Its unfortunate if anyone came to a forums to say something as idiotic as:

"Opeth are gay, why dont you poofter listen to something brutal, like devourment or disgorge!!!"

So the first reply to that wouldn't be:
"Fuck off!!!!! Opeth are original as!!!!"

it would be: :rolleyes:
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what's wrong with "unoriginality"? i know it's always better to be on the 'cuttin edge' but still, come on. inspiration!