See you tonight....


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK the Launch Party! I know we have the Live 8 event, Cricket, Wimbledon. Gay Pride to contend with today as well so hopefully those of you who are heading to the Intrepid Fox tonight won't get too snarled up in the human traffic that is bound to be clogging up London.

Fingers crossed......:headbang:
Steve, I'm gutted that I can't make this. Funds are very low after Bloodstock. If I'd known in advance of the festival I'd have saved my cash and come down to this for sure!

Well, I hope it's a cracking night, in fact I know it will be and all you guys heading down there.....have a drink and spare me a thought as I kick the hell out of myself all night for not being there :erk:

Well, you all have a good time now ya hear me!!
Dream Thief said:
Steve, I'm gutted that I can't make this. Funds are very low after Bloodstock. If I'd known in advance of the festival I'd have saved my cash and come down to this for sure!

Well, I hope it's a cracking night, in fact I know it will be and all you guys heading down there.....have a drink and spare me a thought as I kick the hell out of myself all night for not being there :erk:

Well, you all have a good time now ya hear me!!

Exactly what i was gonna say cheers DT lol, sorry i cant be there guys hope you have a cracking night and catch you very soon :headbang:
lol u met me tonberry :p even if i already knew you but didnt know u were tonberry lol it was a superb night, its a shame you guys couldnt make it, but we all had drinks in your honour. at the moment im in an internet cafe in london as i spent the night after the launch party in a rock club and missed the last train home, so im stuck here till 6am lol
Dark_Stalker said:
lol u met me tonberry :p even if i already knew you but didnt know u were tonberry lol it was a superb night, its a shame you guys couldnt make it, but we all had drinks in your honour. at the moment im in an internet cafe in london as i spent the night after the launch party in a rock club and missed the last train home, so im stuck here till 6am lol

Now do you see why I left at 5 to midnight? *LAST TRAIN* :Spin: Yeah I mret you..... oh great.:tickled: :tickled: :tickled: Yeah I'd seen you at so many gigs it's about time I put a name to the face!

I'm off to upload a load of photos!
hey hey! Great night guys! Thanks to everyone for coming down for the event despite London being so busy with all the other events going on yesterday.

Hope everyone had a great and the guys certainly did and it was cool to hang out and chat with y'all!
Tonberry said:
Now do you see why I left at 5 to midnight? *LAST TRAIN* :Spin: Yeah I mret you..... oh great.:tickled: :tickled: :tickled: Yeah I'd seen you at so many gigs it's about time I put a name to the face!

I'm off to upload a load of photos!
aye, lol whatever london gigs i go to you seem to be there... great minds think alike i suppose :p