Seeking for mastering CD software ...


New Metal Member
Jul 28, 2002
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Hello !

We just recorded a few songs in our studio, but we didn't finish our record because of big studio fees. We already mixed it in studio, now we just need to master our CD, can someone help me what's best program for mastering of our CD ? i don't mean burning CD software, i mean final adaptation of CD, i've heard about any master CD effect, can someone advice something around ?

thanx for help
mastering is the same as mixing really, only on a larger scale. its the final mixing, so to speak. therefore, you'd need a mixer and the sound files, such as Pro Tools, Cubase, Audition...
Mixing and mastering in fact are rather different. Mixing you are setting the volume for each particular sound source seperately where as mastering has an effect on everything at once. You mix to get the right level, then master it to bring everything out fatten the bottom end clear the highs and then compress it and bring it up to a 0 decibel level to gain maximum volume for CD applications without clipping. Here you also add your fade outs and clean up the song's begining and ends.

A good mastering program is Wave Lab, dedicated mastering software.

Aeturnus said:
Here you also add your fade outs and clean up the song's begining and ends.

The clean up of the beginning and ends of the songs and fade outs are done during the mixing stage.
what i said was, they are in fact the same process on different scales. mixing involves each track seperately, while mastering involves the entire mixed song. and yeah, that loudness site has some great points about the process...
Aeturnus- yes, you're exactly right it's about entire song, not mixing,

i've got Wawe Lab 5 from Steinberg , but i can't find any function or plugin for mastering, can you advice where i can find it ?

How it's called ? i can see functions: normalize, dynamics, fading, crossfade, harmonization, anything about mastering CD...

yes i need to put any kind of mastering effect on entire song, fade in and out is already done. We have to clearn out sound somehow, i 'd prefer any good metal sound

that site loudnessrace doesn't work,. could you guys help anyhow ?:erk:
miob said:
Aeturnus- yes, you're exactly right it's about entire song, not mixing,

i've got Wawe Lab 5 from Steinberg , but i can't find any function or plugin for mastering, can you advice where i can find it ?

How it's called ? i can see functions: normalize, dynamics, fading, crossfade, harmonization, anything about mastering CD...

yes i need to put any kind of mastering effect on entire song, fade in and out is already done. We have to clearn out sound somehow, i 'd prefer any good metal sound

that site loudnessrace doesn't work,. could you guys help anyhow ?:erk:

OK , why don't you try t-racks? It's very simple (the actual program looks like 3 rack units on your screen).

Mastering consists of 3 basic functions: EQ, Multiband Compressor and limiter.
You can of course add effects etc (some dance producers do) and obviously sort out the fade outs and clean the beginnings but this is actually it. Unfortunately it sounds easier than it is because it takes a great deal of dedication to get the right results.

I would suggest a) Take your time and learn the program you choose to work with

or b) Save up to pay someone who's been doing it for years?