seized or blown speakers?!


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Long story short: We let a band at one of our gigs use our bass rig. Bassist and I left early before said band played, our other guys hung around to get the gear we let them use. We get unloaded and ready to practice yesterday, bass rig is all fucked up. When he opened his rack, his master volume was set to 5 and he normally has it set to like 1. Said band claims it worked fine for them.

Symptoms: Drop in volume, gets loud but not as loud as it should. Kind of distorted tone. There's like NO movement in the speakers.

I'd think firstly, blown speakers. But I've heard what blown speakers sound like and that sounds far worse than what we are experiencing now.

Our bassist mentioned seized speakers. Which I never really heard of, but apparently it's possible?

Any ideas?

Later today we're hooking his head up to a different cab to make sure it's not something with the amp itself.
The first thing I would do is check the impedance with a multimeter.If it's okay take a 9 volt battery and touch the terminals to a speaker cable hooked to the cab.The speaker should move.After that try the cab with another head and try the head with another cab.
Speakers can definitely seize but it's pretty easy to tell. If you push on the speaker you'll get really limited movement. AFAIK it's generally caused by overheating the voice coil.