Selling cds...

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
How could we do this? What is a good price in your opinion?

We're thinking 10 euros + shipping. Is that a fair price? I also looked into things like to sell our stuff online, but you have to be a resident of the US. For those people who would rather download the music online with high quality, is there a format similar to Itunes we can use?

I plan on putting it on Soulseek anyway, if it's cool with him. But there are some people who refuse to download, so any ideas?
it depends on how many tracks are on the cd :p
usually underground bands sells their cds at 5 euros max
Yeah it's for Skylab. He told me he would personally mail every single one to whomever wanted them.

The booklet has all the words and everything to the songs, plus a few liner notes and stuff like that. It isn't some Verbatim CD-R in a cardboard sleeve or anything.

If you don't give a shit about the cd and just want the music, I'll ask if I can upload it to Soulseek and you can just rip it from my PC.
That would be cool but I'll still buy one as soon as schools out and I find a new job. You guys are fucking awesome.

So is this going to be all stuff he's already done or are you on it too? You're additional guitars right?
This is all the stuff he's already done because we met just as he was finishing this album himself. I've just about finished learning all the material and we're looking for a singer who can match his voice. After that we're gonna tour wherever we can and send it to whichever labels will take us. I kinda wanna stay away from the Italian labels, as they're somewhat small-minded. I'm thinking something like Prophecy Productions or something to that effect with bands like Elend, Antimatter, Farsot, The Vision Bleak, etc. They distribute and support their bands very well.

Right now, we're in the process of writing the new's going to be even better than this cd. I've heard some of his compositions and they're gorgeous. We just have to write the guitars and lyrics, as the percussion and synth has mostly been taken care of for the few songs we have. Believe me, the two songs on the myspace page are the two weakest songs on the album, in terms of musicality. Just wait until you hear "Goodbye, Earth" and "Buried". There is a trilogy at the end of the album called Desolation'll dig it.