Next weekend - Umos Soulseek weekend !!

Hawk as always full unconditional support from me.

As for the SS weekend it was a riot, a success and I hope we can gather again and again up to the point that may become a ritual.

We are UMOS, we rule!
I had an absolute blast all weekend, chatting with my fellow UMOSers. I got a lot of great new music to check out, but that's just icing on the cake. Interacting with all of you was the fun part of the weekend. I think it's a great idea to have a chat session a few times per year. A little more advance notice might allow some people who work weekends to adjust their schedule. We should try to schedule a month out if possible. Two weeks minimum.

Hawk, my thoughts are with you, my friend. I'm sure you already have an awesome support system at home, but remember you always have friends just an email or PM away. We've all got the utmost respect and admiration for you. Hang in there, brother!

NP: Sieges Even - Art of Navigating (thanks Hawk!!)
Hawk said:
It was great meeting Kent, Wheezer, tsorl, Kitty, dee Wyvern and carnut. I missed Greeno and Droogie but I hope we can chat next time.

I did not participate very much because on a personal level this weekend was one of the worst I ever had. I got some very bad new that has left me crushed.

I will recover but it needs some time. I will not leave this community however. And I'll do my best to keep active. I am looking forward to participate very actively the next time we will do this and hope we can organize it on time so people can take a day off.

Sorry to hear that. Hope you are Okey.

Bad I didn´t have time to chat there.
But I gues nobody want to read my bad english there.:goggly:
Death Animal said:
Bad I didn´t have time to chat there.
But I gues nobody want to read my bad english there.:goggly:

Nobody cares if your English isn't that good , the first who does has to translate this post to Finnish language !! Hope you can join us next time !!
Sorry I did not get to chat with everyone on SS, I was late to the party. Will try to make the next one.

I hope everything is OK Hawk. Hang in there, whatever it is things will get better.
Hawk said:
I want to thank everyone for their support. I know, it sounds like a cliche but it really, really helps! And I am grateful! :wave:

It doesn't sound cliche and it's nothing more than you would do if it was one of us that was having a bad go of it. That what friends do. :)
Death Animal said:
Bad I didn´t have time to chat there.
But I gues nobody want to read my bad english there.:goggly:

Your English is far better than my Finnish. :lol: I'll bet a little chat room action would help improve the English a little bit too.
It would seem that the bad news has traveled in pairs. I got my own batch this morning so I'll not be around much for the next few days.
Wheezer said:
It would seem that the bad news has traveled in pairs. I got my own batch this morning so I'll not be around much for the next few days.

Sad to hear man as with Hawk all our support for you bro
Wheezer said:
It would seem that the bad news has traveled in pairs. I got my own batch this morning so I'll not be around much for the next few days.

Damn dude, usually the black cloud is following me around. Doesn't shit come in threes? I am half afraid to visit in here now!

Take care and keep the chin up. If ya need anything, don't be afraid to ask!

I went for my final doctor checkup today (before I leave for my summer sabbatical) and I came out with a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH. Well, as clean as can be expected anyway. I think i broke the "bad news comes in threes" jinx. It could just have easily been "we need to operate, NOW." I was almost expecting it.
Wheezer said:
It would seem that the bad news has traveled in pairs. I got my own batch this morning so I'll not be around much for the next few days.

Damn!! I wish you all the best buddy. I don't know what the news was but I hope you keep strong. Just keep visiting this place this is a strong, vibrant and benevolent community. And if I feel a bit better at this very moment is partly because of this place and the people who visit it.

Hang in there!

Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I went for my final doctor checkup today (before I leave for my summer sabbatical) and I came out with a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH. Well, as clean as can be expected anyway. I think i broke the "bad news comes in threes" jinx. It could just have easily been "we need to operate, NOW." I was almost expecting it.

Thats good to hear. I am glad that not all the news is bad. :)
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I went for my final doctor checkup today (before I leave for my summer sabbatical) and I came out with a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH. Well, as clean as can be expected anyway. I think i broke the "bad news comes in threes" jinx. It could just have easily been "we need to operate, NOW." I was almost expecting it.

good to hear that TSO, have a grand, relaxing and happy summer sabbatical!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I went for my final doctor checkup today (before I leave for my summer sabbatical) and I came out with a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH.

Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
I went for my final doctor checkup today (before I leave for my summer sabbatical) and I came out with a CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH. Well, as clean as can be expected anyway. I think i broke the "bad news comes in threes" jinx. It could just have easily been "we need to operate, NOW." I was almost expecting it.

Excellent news! :kickass: I too was worried about saying anything for fear of the bad news in threes. You have indeed broken that. We shall toast this when I visit in December!
Hawk said:
Damn!! I wish you all the best buddy. I don't know what the news was but I hope you keep strong. Just keep visiting this place this is a strong, vibrant and benevolent community. And if I feel a bit better at this very moment is partly because of this place and the people who visit it.

Hang in there!

Thanks buddy! I'm doing better today. A lot of that is thanks to everyone in here. Thanks all. It means more than you know and I hope you never have to find out how much it can mean! :)

My Grandpa passed away yesterday. Both sets of my Grandparents played a big role in raising us so they are like another set of parents. I spent yesterday remembering all the times we had spent together and that's what I intend to do today. I'm happy for those times but sad that there won't be any more.