New moderator: IMPORTANT!

Thanks to everybody, I try my best for you all.

NP: Concept Of God - 'Falling Down'
Brother Vern....... if I would have been asked who I thought should be moderator, if Hawk stepped down, you would have been my choice. No I am not looking for brownie points as you are still ugly and you have invented a new style of English, but you epitomize the UMOS forum. You were a great regular member and will be a great moderator. Congratulations, my friend.

No I am not looking for brownie points as you are still ugly

Speaking of brown and ugly that reminds me your butt pic :lol:

and you have invented a new style of English,

Thanks keep reminding me it's not my native language and I always screw up with verb tenses :Smug:

but you epitomize the UMOS forum. You were a great regular member and will be a great moderator. Congratulations, my friend.

Thanks for the kind words, I know they come straight from your heart. I'll promise I do my best :kickass:
Ha ha ha.... my butt is pretty !!!

Of course I would only pick about your English in a good way. Everyone who uses English as a second language speaks (or types) it differently. Someone who speaks Chinese first speaks English differently than someone who speaks Dutch.
Although I know Spanish is the primary language in your country, I think your English is different than say.... English spoken by someone in Mexico or in Spain. I am just saying that your English interpretation is unique.
We have many dialects here of English and there is no righ or wrong, my brother. I understand you very well.


Speaking of brown and ugly that reminds me your butt pic :lol:

Thanks keep reminding me it's not my native language and I always screw up with verb tenses :Smug:

Thanks for the kind words, I know they come straight from your heart. I'll promise I do my best :kickass:
I know I'm quite late for this...but congrats!!:rock:

Thanks a lot bro, you take my life but I yours too, you fire your musket by I'll run you through :kickass:

I haven't posted my thoughts on the new moderator yet, because I didn't think I needed to. I think Henri picked the best person for the job and one of the fairest and coolest heads here...

Well i think Henri made a mistake, I'm too wacko :lol:. But thanks a lot for the vote of confidence Sixx, you a re a great person and regular and I value your opinion very much even if we disagree a lot sometimes.

NP: Anacrusis - 'Child Inside'