Pretty Harsh monitoring going on around here!

Wyvern said:
How come you are picking the kids form school so early in the morning?

'cause you live on the wrong side of the world :grin:
Hawk said:
There are a lot of forums that hardly moderate at all. One of them you will find here:

Actually Hawk, they have a Mod there. It's just so happens that he happens to be quite a cunt. Sorry, but I have lurked there and I have never seen such a power-trip little waste like they have there.

I think he is one of those computer types who have never seen the light of day...
Walter_Langkowski said:
Actually Hawk, they have a Mod there. It's just so happens that he happens to be quite a cunt. Sorry, but I have lurked there and I have never seen such a power-trip little waste like they have there.

I think he is one of those computer types who have never seen the light of day...

Sssssss ;)
Death Animal said:
:ill: Sorry if my ´hand´ was too offencive.
I was just thinking why here have to bee this chick thread cos theyr everywere.
And is good to have mods like hawk that shitheads like me can´t mess it up:grin:

Thanks for posting that dude. With this the case is closed. I hope you enjoy your stay here for a long time. :wave:
Death Animal said:
:ill: Sorry if my ´hand´ was too offencive.
I was just thinking why here have to bee this chick thread cos theyr everywere.
And is good to have mods like hawk that shitheads like me can´t mess it up:grin:

We all have our moments. Thanks for the apology. hope to read your posts sson.