
Up The World
Nov 24, 2001
Your attention, please!

It is my intention to collect and sample crisps (otherwise known as 'potato chips') from the world over, for an internet multimedia extravaganza archive website thing. And here's how YOU can help!

Email me ( for my postal address. Please make the subject of your mail, 'CRISPS'. Then, once you have the details, send a packet of crisps native to your own country to me through the post. Please take appropriate precautions to minimise the danger of crisps becoming squashed in transit - many Post Offices or stationary stores offer small cardboard parcel-boxes for sale which would be ideal for this purpose.

When the crisps are received, I shall eat them, whilst filming myself eating them with a domestic camcorder. I will then scan the front and back of the packet, and place it on a website, which will eventually become '' once there is sufficient initial content. The crisp packets will be presented in a thumbnail gallery, organised by country, flavour, texture and type. Clicking on a packet will bring up a page featuring the full-size versions of the artwork, and from this page you will also have the opportunity to view the AVI of me eating the contents of said packet.

EVERY CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE CREDITED ON THE SITE. In the event of duplicate packets being received, each packet will have its own unique video, although only one - the most immaculate example, most likely - will be scanned for artwork purposes. It is hoped that eventually the website will evolve and become the largest encyclopedia of crisp-related goodness on the whole Internet web!

Be a part of something special! Send me crisps today!

Thank you.
you should try some japanese ones like crab-tasted.. (smelly and awful)

we have paprika ones and sour cream-onion tastes..

hagymás tejfölös lángost akarok most! (pedig utálom)
hungarian crisps taste of something?!!! :lol:

Yes, yes, but I must say the take-up on this offer has been disappointingly low so far - come on people, don't you want to be famous? Don't you want to watch videos of ME eating the CRISPS that YOU sent to me, with your name on it and that? Isn't this every boygirl's dream???

(I draw the line at Vanilla Monster Munch, though... but I'd film me sniffing them like. I'd eat the Marmite ones...)
yes, it has zoom

look here , there's the older version of the one I have, its the same and only has less resolution, but I think that its far enough, I never use my camera on the highest resolution cause the pictures would be too big and there wouldnt be any space left on the card... well I even printed some pics some weeks ago, also one of u live, the quality is really good!

btw mine is this one:
I also heard that the sony cybershot camera is good:

well and if u wanna make live pics without flash, u should look for a camera with a lens that has at least a light sensibility of 2,8... the one I have has 1,8.

and one more link that might help: just an example that u can get the cameras also cheaper. (this is the one I have). well there are more sites like that for sure :) but I only know some in german what wouldnt help much I guess :erk: