Senseless Fun: The Band Name Game!

@opacity: "Where Angels Dwell No More" is they demo and old songs, that's right? i'm hunting for this cd, but without result :( personally i love "Blood Will Follow Blood". very good melodic death/black...

about Leukemia... it was Kentha's (from The Project Hate) band. they played swedish oldschool death metal with some psychodelic riffs and few well knows vocalist like Jorgen from Grave, Entombed, The Project Hate or LG Petrov from Entombed. i have they "Suck My Heaven" cd (black mark '93). as i know this is they only record

D - Dismember
Originally posted by opacity
no, it's their last album from 2001. want it?

for sure:D :D :D another trade?;) maybe for Lux Occulta "The Mother And The Enemy"???

R - Raise Hell
Originally posted by opacity
sure! :D *adding Faerghail to the send-list*

...and i adding the last Lux Occulta;) ok, today i get for sure 2 Lux Occulta albums and i hope Misteria debut. if i get today, i'll send you tomorrow. i let you know in the evening:D

A - *my beloved* Anorexia Nervosa
Originally posted by opacity
great! :hotjump:
the 2 dornenreich's should be ready till wednesday. I let you know when exactly they arrive :)

great news:hotjump: :headbang: :hotjump: :headbang:

N - Nokturnal Mortum