Senseless Fun: The Band Name Game!

Originally posted by opacity

I live near vienna :)
there are polish antares too? I was referring to slowakian antares :)

Vienna? hmmm... do you know where i can buy two first Dornenreich albums? or if you can buy it somewhere in Austria, we can trade for Misteria and something else ;)
Antares - yeah, is polish Antares. they play heavy, but i never listening them

R - Ram-Zet
Originally posted by Eldzik
Vienna? hmmm... do you know where i can buy two first Dornenreich albums? or if you can buy it somewhere in Austria, we can trade for Misteria and something else ;)
sure, no problem! (I'd prefer trading, but you decide)
"Bitter ist's dem Tod zu dienen" and "Nicht um zu sterben" are the 2 Dornenreich albums.

A - Andras
it's great news for me Opacity, because i prefer trade too:grin: so send me message what you want for these 2 Dornenreich:grin:

S - Seance
we agreed over it that containing Y is fine too :) (cos we all are running out of ideas for bands beginning with Y )

eldzik: trading-bands coming soon :)

R - Ritual
Originally posted by opacity
we agreed over it that containing Y is fine too :) (cos we all are running out of ideas for bands beginning with Y )

eldzik: trading-bands coming soon :)

R - Ritual

@opacity: great news ;)

L - Luna Ad Noctum :grin:

ps. this evening i'll go on Smash Fest:rock: