Sentenced are a really really strange band.


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
I wish they'd make up their minds to what style they want to play :lol:

"Warrior of life" sounds like iced earth for gods sake

It's like psuedo-metal, not really heavy, but more metal that most metal, if that makes sense. I really like the band, even their new stuff.

"Excuse me while i kill myself" is damn cool... Lyrics are a little crude, but hey, it's supposed to be, they are making fun of themselves and their predictability.

I love the dudes voice, even if he does warble out of key like a madman ALL THE FUCKING TIME... ha ha... Their last four or five albums have been great, i like them more than the death stuff they did, it didn't suit them to be grumbling like the cookie monster and tremelo picking like their lives were at risk.

NOOSE is the song that got me into them, i saw the clip, and the title actually said it was "Nevermore - Next in line" and i said, hang on! That's not bloody right! This is SO no nevermore... so, i looked up the lyrics, and found it was sentenced, and WALLAH, i love the band...
DOWN and the new one are my favorites, but all of their releases are great. one of my all-time favorite bands.

favorite songs:
keep my grave open
crumbling down
the rain comes falling down
killing me, killing you
home in despair
cross my heart and hope to die
grief and regret
the suicider

and many more. . .
hmmm yeah the first one i got was down,their best one i think is amok...they'll never write a tune like nepenthe again...the last ones are like pop with guitars,some of them very boring and unispired,though i heard one song off the new one and it was really nice pop metal.
Sentenced rule. Down is my favorite- I like them all from Amok to The cold white light, except Frozen.

Dragonlord shut up :grin:

Shadegrown and Nepenthe must be my favorite songs.. Btw the new one was a masterpiece, not one bad song. \m/
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
I heard "Killing Me,Killing You" on Loud,a Candian heavy metal program,a few weeks ago.Definatley made me a fan of that band.I'd like to get some of their cds.

DND, if that's the song that has sparked your interest in Sentenced, then get 'Crimson,' 'Frozen' and the new one 'Cold White Light.' They are Depeche-metal as I like to call them. And they all kick ass.

Before that, Sentenced was a pretty damned good death metal band w/ much, MUCH harsher growling vocals.
I don't care much for Sentenced at all. I thought they had one decent album, which was North From Here, and that's only because of the songs "Wings" and "Northern Lights"

I'm not much into suicide metal.
i don't think they are really really strange

i think that with their sound, it had to happen sooner or later...
a lot of the riffs are like really typical melodic power/80's metal, but its a bit more black metal...still upbeat and using those rhythms but they're not hammerfall or anything

i came up with the same sound and was mad pissed whne i finally heard sentenced. so sooner or later, someone had to do it and play whatthey play

and my favorite song i've heard so far is nepenthe
its all really good and i could swear skolnick could be playing the solo
I liked older Sentenced, but they lost me on Frozen. Though, I confess I've only heard one song Crimson and nothing off the new one. Amok is still my favorite Sentenced album. The thing has some killer guitar lines.

BTW, Elysian Blaze. Not that this is either relevent nor interesting, I'm sure, but I've never actually been to MD, but I am a friend of sorts with a guy from Hagerstown who I used to chat with on a comic book board. The only two times I've seen any mention of the place.