Sentient 6 - What says Warrell?

The_Children_of_Decadence said:
...and this is my 7th reply on this topic..... scary..... I'm your destiny.... grrrrrrrr....:loco:

Numerology ain't scary, pretty obvious even.
Although, that's my point of view.
Try to calculate your date of birth: month + day + year
Accumulate until you have 1 digit left.
For example: 03/19/1976 is:
0+3+1+9+1+9+7+6= 36 3+6= 9

One is the first number used when counting, and therefore it is considered to have great power; without it there would be no numbering system as we know it. Every numerical system we are aware of has had one as its initial starting point. Because one signifies the beginning of an enterprise, it is very egocentric and prefers to be the center of attention. One can be happy, loving, romantic, dynamic and charismatic, but on the downside it can be egotistical, selfish and melodramatic.


Two relates to partnerships and interaction with others. Individual achievements are not realistic because accomplishments are best realized through co-operation and teamwork. Two is paramount in the formation of life because in this world we have two genders who couple to propagate the earth. One-to-one relationships are prominent because it symbolizes two people becoming close through intimate contact. Two is feminine, intuitive, and corresponds with our protective instincts. Negatively, two can be grasping, overprotective and cranky.


Three relates to expansiveness and learning through life experiences. It is considered to be lucky, and is often associated with money and good fortune. Three generally depicts several people joining together to achieve a common goal, whether through a social or professional affiliation. Although three possesses attributes of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, negatively it can exhibit pessimism, foolhardiness and unnecessary risk taking.


Four is a number of stability and building for the future. It has much energy which is directed toward the achievement of goals, such as family celebrations or other notable events. Because this is a number of progression and growth, many original ideas are likely to spring forth from what appears to be thin air. Four is a solitary number which seems to be somewhat of a loner, even in the midst of a crowd. Because of the grounded qualities of this number, it has a tendency to be steadfast and can sometimes give the impression of being boring.


Five is a number which represents service to others. It is highly analytical and has the ability to think critically, but can over-ponder an issue to the point that its significance is no longer relevant. This number governs our ability to think clearly and our intellectual capacity. It is a multifaceted number with links to our state of physical and mental health.


Six relates to tact, beauty and harmony. It is very much a relationship builder which corresponds to one-to-one encounters. It deals with that which we are attracted to and those things we find great pleasure in. Six possesses charm, grace and the ability to make small talk on any stratum, and is therefore much of a diplomat. It is considered to be a minor money number, so a little extra income will be available wherever this number is found. Negatively, six can be unfaithful, jealous, bitter and vengeful.


Seven is considered to be a spiritual number because it is illusive and contains veils which must first be uncovered, one after another, before illumination will ultimately be found. Seven is said to be sacred, and this is evidenced by the fact that there are seven days in the week, ancient texts propose that the earth was formed in seven phases, the ancient solar system consisted of seven luminaries, and some versions of the kaballah have seven sephiroth. While seven possesses qualities of dreaminess, spirituality and psychic awareness, negatively it can be dubious, deceptive and insincere.


Eight is considered to be the number of karmic influences where we are called upon to pay debts incurred in this and previous lives. It represents hard work and lessons learned through experience, and can therefore be a difficult number for some because of the very restrictiveness of its nature. Because reputation and community standing are of paramount importance, those who have it figured prominently would be wise to lead honest lives, otherwise any indiscretions will more than likely be uncovered in a most unflattering manner.


Nine was considered to be a sacred number by the ancients and was consequently not assigned a numerical equivalent to any letter in the Chaldean alphabet. It represents change, invention and growth which springs forth from inspiration. Nine has traditionally held esoteric significance which is evidenced by the fact that it takes nine calendar months to bring a baby into the world from its initial conception.
The above numerology matches up pretty decently with Leary's 8 circuit model of consciousness in a way, especially 7 being spiritual awakening and 8 being DNA consciousness. It makes me wonder if there could be a yet-to-be-attained 9th level of consciousness, perhaps surfacing at our next stage in evolution. o_O
Iris said:
Numerology ain't scary, pretty obvious even.
Although, that's my point of view.
Try to calculate your date of birth: month + day + year
Accumulate until you have 1 digit left.
For example: 03/19/1976 is:
0+3+1+9+1+9+7+6= 36 3+6= 9

One is the first number used when counting, and therefore it is considered to have great power; without it there would be no numbering system as we know it. Every numerical system we are aware of has had one as its initial starting point. Because one signifies the beginning of an enterprise, it is very egocentric and prefers to be the center of attention. One can be happy, loving, romantic, dynamic and charismatic, but on the downside it can be egotistical, selfish and melodramatic.


Two relates to partnerships and interaction with others. Individual achievements are not realistic because accomplishments are best realized through co-operation and teamwork. Two is paramount in the formation of life because in this world we have two genders who couple to propagate the earth. One-to-one relationships are prominent because it symbolizes two people becoming close through intimate contact. Two is feminine, intuitive, and corresponds with our protective instincts. Negatively, two can be grasping, overprotective and cranky.


Three relates to expansiveness and learning through life experiences. It is considered to be lucky, and is often associated with money and good fortune. Three generally depicts several people joining together to achieve a common goal, whether through a social or professional affiliation. Although three possesses attributes of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, negatively it can exhibit pessimism, foolhardiness and unnecessary risk taking.


Four is a number of stability and building for the future. It has much energy which is directed toward the achievement of goals, such as family celebrations or other notable events. Because this is a number of progression and growth, many original ideas are likely to spring forth from what appears to be thin air. Four is a solitary number which seems to be somewhat of a loner, even in the midst of a crowd. Because of the grounded qualities of this number, it has a tendency to be steadfast and can sometimes give the impression of being boring.


Five is a number which represents service to others. It is highly analytical and has the ability to think critically, but can over-ponder an issue to the point that its significance is no longer relevant. This number governs our ability to think clearly and our intellectual capacity. It is a multifaceted number with links to our state of physical and mental health.


Six relates to tact, beauty and harmony. It is very much a relationship builder which corresponds to one-to-one encounters. It deals with that which we are attracted to and those things we find great pleasure in. Six possesses charm, grace and the ability to make small talk on any stratum, and is therefore much of a diplomat. It is considered to be a minor money number, so a little extra income will be available wherever this number is found. Negatively, six can be unfaithful, jealous, bitter and vengeful.


Seven is considered to be a spiritual number because it is illusive and contains veils which must first be uncovered, one after another, before illumination will ultimately be found. Seven is said to be sacred, and this is evidenced by the fact that there are seven days in the week, ancient texts propose that the earth was formed in seven phases, the ancient solar system consisted of seven luminaries, and some versions of the kaballah have seven sephiroth. While seven possesses qualities of dreaminess, spirituality and psychic awareness, negatively it can be dubious, deceptive and insincere.


Eight is considered to be the number of karmic influences where we are called upon to pay debts incurred in this and previous lives. It represents hard work and lessons learned through experience, and can therefore be a difficult number for some because of the very restrictiveness of its nature. Because reputation and community standing are of paramount importance, those who have it figured prominently would be wise to lead honest lives, otherwise any indiscretions will more than likely be uncovered in a most unflattering manner.


Nine was considered to be a sacred number by the ancients and was consequently not assigned a numerical equivalent to any letter in the Chaldean alphabet. It represents change, invention and growth which springs forth from inspiration. Nine has traditionally held esoteric significance which is evidenced by the fact that it takes nine calendar months to bring a baby into the world from its initial conception.

it's scary. Mine is 36, too. I guess everyone here gets, that same result and this is why are we here, why we love Nevermore.

'cause we belong to Satan.:loco:
0+8+1+4+1+9+6+5=34 3+4=7...I am "sacred" :p

Iris said:
Numerology ain't scary, pretty obvious even.
Although, that's my point of view.
Try to calculate your date of birth: month + day + year
Accumulate until you have 1 digit left.
For example: 03/19/1976 is:
0+3+1+9+1+9+7+6= 36 3+6= 9

One is the first number used when counting, and therefore it is considered to have great power; without it there would be no numbering system as we know it. Every numerical system we are aware of has had one as its initial starting point. Because one signifies the beginning of an enterprise, it is very egocentric and prefers to be the center of attention. One can be happy, loving, romantic, dynamic and charismatic, but on the downside it can be egotistical, selfish and melodramatic.


Two relates to partnerships and interaction with others. Individual achievements are not realistic because accomplishments are best realized through co-operation and teamwork. Two is paramount in the formation of life because in this world we have two genders who couple to propagate the earth. One-to-one relationships are prominent because it symbolizes two people becoming close through intimate contact. Two is feminine, intuitive, and corresponds with our protective instincts. Negatively, two can be grasping, overprotective and cranky.


Three relates to expansiveness and learning through life experiences. It is considered to be lucky, and is often associated with money and good fortune. Three generally depicts several people joining together to achieve a common goal, whether through a social or professional affiliation. Although three possesses attributes of wisdom, understanding and knowledge, negatively it can exhibit pessimism, foolhardiness and unnecessary risk taking.


Four is a number of stability and building for the future. It has much energy which is directed toward the achievement of goals, such as family celebrations or other notable events. Because this is a number of progression and growth, many original ideas are likely to spring forth from what appears to be thin air. Four is a solitary number which seems to be somewhat of a loner, even in the midst of a crowd. Because of the grounded qualities of this number, it has a tendency to be steadfast and can sometimes give the impression of being boring.


Five is a number which represents service to others. It is highly analytical and has the ability to think critically, but can over-ponder an issue to the point that its significance is no longer relevant. This number governs our ability to think clearly and our intellectual capacity. It is a multifaceted number with links to our state of physical and mental health.


Six relates to tact, beauty and harmony. It is very much a relationship builder which corresponds to one-to-one encounters. It deals with that which we are attracted to and those things we find great pleasure in. Six possesses charm, grace and the ability to make small talk on any stratum, and is therefore much of a diplomat. It is considered to be a minor money number, so a little extra income will be available wherever this number is found. Negatively, six can be unfaithful, jealous, bitter and vengeful.


Seven is considered to be a spiritual number because it is illusive and contains veils which must first be uncovered, one after another, before illumination will ultimately be found. Seven is said to be sacred, and this is evidenced by the fact that there are seven days in the week, ancient texts propose that the earth was formed in seven phases, the ancient solar system consisted of seven luminaries, and some versions of the kaballah have seven sephiroth. While seven possesses qualities of dreaminess, spirituality and psychic awareness, negatively it can be dubious, deceptive and insincere.


Eight is considered to be the number of karmic influences where we are called upon to pay debts incurred in this and previous lives. It represents hard work and lessons learned through experience, and can therefore be a difficult number for some because of the very restrictiveness of its nature. Because reputation and community standing are of paramount importance, those who have it figured prominently would be wise to lead honest lives, otherwise any indiscretions will more than likely be uncovered in a most unflattering manner.


Nine was considered to be a sacred number by the ancients and was consequently not assigned a numerical equivalent to any letter in the Chaldean alphabet. It represents change, invention and growth which springs forth from inspiration. Nine has traditionally held esoteric significance which is evidenced by the fact that it takes nine calendar months to bring a baby into the world from its initial conception.
6+6+6 = 9

This is from a while ago and i'd like drop it here.

There is 7 and there is 9
and 16 is too much
if there are only 7 days to design

7 and 9 got separated
confusion raised it's head
telling them to go and walk in wonder
to analyse the crux and the seeds it had spread

Each on their own
they followed the pattern
in the way the seeds were sown
When the last seed had to be found
the circle was about to go round

Greediness wasn't found in the 7th name
hate was never seen in the 9th game
The decision to go fast
left the last seed to last

Hungre and plague went by
spreading the disease
Demanding way of reason
For rest and peace

Responsibility never taken
and wars sacrify the forsaken

not designed to give up
1 and 6 decided to climb in the last seed's top
To sow Forever and Purpose in the matter

Ambivalence took it's turn
spreading seeds of doubt for there was good and evil to learn

The truth is all 1 and 6 need to know
and in ambivalence the seed finds soil to grow

When 7 and 9 combine
1 and 6 know the policy of align
7 ways to get a will in line
7 sins for a pattern to design
7 days to think about who’s holding the line
Ambivalence becomes balance
when 7 becomes benign
about what was said before about the 7s dont forget that whole bit in Create the Infinite with the counting to seven in the background and "count to number seven your day of rest creates infection, your imperfection"

and im a 4
0+5+0+7+1+9+9+0=31 3+1=4
that whole thing under four is completely true about me.....spooky:zombie:
7+1+3+1+9+8+8 = 37
3+7 = 10
1+0 = 1
I'm egotistical, selfish, melodramatic, happy, loving, romantic, dynamic and charismatic.
Holy shit, fuck me.
Holy moly its Jody
How have you been girl?

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