Seperation Anxiety.........


Anyone ever go thru this? A girlfriend of mine was home from college for 2 1/2 months, and we hung out everyday . Movies, mall, dinner, each others work, whatever, we aren't an "item" or a "couple" or anything, but non-the-less we were together every day for like 70 consecutive days. I'm usually not the emotional type, but I took her back to school yesterday, and on the way home, every time I wanted to make a smart ass remark, or laugh about something on the radio, I kept looking over to the empty passenger seat of my truck and it was like the most depressing thing ever. Once again, I think I need a shrink.........
I say, "You're in love, dude."
If it was a guy friend would you feel the same way????
I have or have had to many Elaines. This is the last one I'm keeping. Having girls who are your friends but aren't your girlfriends is about as useful as a Mac card when you have $19 in your bank account. This particular Elaine is very special ( I know that sounds gay) and must stay in my innersanctum.
Originally posted by dutchy
you got the blues man!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" came on WLVQ today when I was coming home from a record show. Here I am cruising down I-71 belting out the words to that number sobbing into my Starbucks. Jeebus, I'm a fucking loon. I'm a mess!

PS- looks like the Atlanta Falcons may pull of the first ever visitor victory in Green bay playoff history. They are up 14-0:eek:
On the sitcom 'Seinfeld.' Jerry Seinfelds characters' best friend was Elaine Bennis. They used to date. But the fact that she is an exg/f isn't a prereq for having an Elaine. Any guy who pals around with a girl who isn't his girlfriend per se, is an "Elaine." I suppose a girl could have a "Jerry." In some cases one or the other may actually love the other one in the romantic sense, but circumstances beyond their control prevent the relationship from reaching fruition. Generally "Jerry and Elaines" just can't last. One just needs to watch "When Harry Met Sally" to learn that girls and guys can't remain friends. They either become a couple, or the friendship disolves due to either Jerry or Elaine finding and marrying someone. Confused yet!?
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
I have no regrets about things I have done, only the things I have not done.

Agreed, I've failed time and again, this is why I succeed (MJ said something like that:) )
I've learned from all my mistakes, I wish I didn't have to learn the hard way on a few things, but learn I did. I do have a few relationship regrets, but I can't go back and change anything anyway so I just forge ahead, but then I guess that goes along with what you said, some things I should have said sooner than I did could have changed a lot of things now. I think I'm a more complete person for going thru some of the stuff I have went thru though.
Well see Elaines are good because:
you have a built in date to the movies, company parties/picnics, family functions etc., you look like you aren't the single loser you really are. Also, they can help you find a girl, buy things for said girl, whatever. Trouble is, they often change when you get a girl, or if they don't, you chage when they get a new guy. Even if you don't wanna a relationship with the girl, you are often very particular and overprotective of all the guys Elaine wants to date. More confused now aren't you.
another good analogy would be Will and Grace. Not to say you're homosexual in anyway. but I watch that show and thier relationship is going through that exact same thing.
I get seperation anxiety when I'm away from my fiance. I rarely go out without her. Aside from work. She goes out without me sometimes. I think it's a combo of social and seperation anxiety. Well hang in there.
That reminds me of something I personally know very well. Therefore, "girlfriend" can mean "girl friend" in English as well?

(listening 2 Taking The Music Back if you're interested)
I have had a Elaine for the last three years, and in this time we went throught alot together. I had a kid with a women I had no reason being with. She dated other guys, and yet we are still here for eachother. We have always liked eachother, just never did nothing abut it. Now we are starting to turn into something more, and I tell you, she is a great girl. I want this to happen, yet don't want to lose what we have had for the last three years. Any advice?